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I'm Not Doing That, And You Can't Make Me

I wipe the sweat off my forehead and take a sip of my drink. Damn, this training thing is hard. I'm now up at a ridiculous time in the morning to make sure i get to the gym at 6:30 exactly to train with Damien. We train for 3 hours in the morning, 2 hours during Damien's lunch-break, (childish, i know, he's an Alpha, he can do what he likes, yet he gets given a designated time to have his lunch?) and then 4 hours in the evening, 5pm-9pm. Crazy, right?

But it will be worth it. To put an end to my mate would put an end to all of my problems. Once he's gone, i can go back to doing whatever i damn well like.

Thinking of my mate only makes me more frustrated and i punch the punching bag a little harder then necessary, splitting the cuts on my knuckles even more.

"Stupid bag." I mutter, kicking it instead. The punching bag swings away from me and i turn around to examine my knuckles, but I'm suddenly knocked stumbling forwards as the punching bag swings back and hits me full force.

I turn to glare at the bag, ready to give it a piece of my mind, when i hear a low chuckle from behind me. I turn to see Damien walking over, having watched my little scene with the punching bag.

"That's Karma for ya." He chuckles.

"It's not funny." I pout, and shove him out of my way as i make my way over to the weights. He goes stumbling back a few steps before catching his balance and looking at me with a mixture if amusement and...something else.

I was about to pick my weight from where they are kept, below the shelf that has a load of basketballs and footballs balanced on it, when there was a creak. I looked up and just like that, the shelf gave way and buried me under a mountain of basketballs. Damien howled with laughter, but i, for some reason, found it less amusing.

I glared."Not.Funny."

"Oh, but it is. Like i said, Karma's a bitch."

"Well, listen up Karma, 'coz i have a list of people you missed." Then, looking at Damien, "Now would you kindly get me out."

He nods, still crying with laughter, as he helps me pile the balls into the far corner of the gym. I could already tell this was not going to be my day. It was 6:35am, and already two sets of sports equipment had gotten the better of me. If you hadn't already guessed, I'm not a morning person.

Deciding to give up on weight lifting for fear of causing another ball avalanche, i turned to Damien to see what he had planned for us this morning.

"Well, i thought that seeing how much you love mornings, we could go for a nice jog around the territory," he said, answering my unspoken question, "Oh and, we'll be doing this every morning from now on." He added.

I gaped at him in disbelief. "It's January. It's 6:40am. It's freaking cold outside. It also happens to be raining. And you want me to go out and jog?!"

"Yup." He replied, popping the 'p', "Of course, I'll be with you every step of the way, driving along side you in my nice, warm pick-up."

"You've gotta be kidding me."


"Well, i refuse to go."

"I'll carry you out there."

"I'll refuse to run."

"I'll tie you to the back of my pick-up and drag you along behind if i have to."

"I'll refuse to put my trainers on."

"You already have your trainers on."

I took them off and threw them across the gym. "Not anymore."

He sighed. I crossed my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow, convinced i had won. We stared at each other for what seemed like hours before he moved.

And that's how i came to be stood, outside, at 7am, in the poring rain, wearing my trainers, with Damien in his pick-up beside me, chuckling to himself, and holding a rope that was tied to my wrist. Apparently, he wasn't joking when he said he would drag me along with him.


An hour or so later we returned to the pack house, Damien strutting ahead smugly whilst i lagged behind, dripping and muddy and utterly un-amused.

Turning his head, Damien shouted back to me, "See you at lunch." before chuckling and heading to his office for his 'Alpha duties'.

"What is this, Primary School?" I muttered to myself as i headed for a shower.

"He seems to be in a good mood." A familiar voice chirped behind me as i headed for the stairs. I turned to see Katie, one of the only friends i had made here during my first couple of days in Damien's pack, standing behind me. She looked me up and down and grinned.

"Yeah, well, he did just drag me around the whole territory. Like, literally, he had a rope ties round my wrist and he was sat in his pick-up holding the other end out of the window, dragging me along as he drove."

At this she burst into a fit off laughter, before seeing the expression on my face and calming down enough to speak.
"Oh my gosh, i would have paid to see that! No wonder he's in a good mood! Next time you go for a 'jog' let me know, i'll bring my camera!" She said before bursting into another fit of giggles.

"Rude." I say as i turn to head up tbe stairs.

"You love me really."

"I wouldn't sound so sure."

"I'll make you some breakfast for when you come back down." She offers.

"I love you."

"Told ya so! I'm like, your bestie!" That was all she said before skipping off to the kitchen.

Despite my mood before hand, i found myself smiling as i climbed the stares for a shower.

I'm back!!! Soo, how did you like this chapter? Longest one i've done in a while! Sorry for the long wait but, ya know, i've had 'stuff' to do in my life. Anyway, hope you liked chapter next one out soon so until then

Bye guys!


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