Chapter 33

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I soon regretted forgetting the saying 'happiness is short-lived' because as soon as I stepped foot in the house with Blake and Mia, the phone rang.    

I had been so care-free and immersed in happiness that I had completely forgotten my main problem. Nicholas. And it was too late when I reached my hand out for the phone with a smile.

"Hello?" I chirped, sending Blake a grateful nod as he tugged Mia upstairs.

The only sound I could hear from the phone was someone breathing and I frowned as a shiver ran down my spine.

I cleared my throat and asked more seriously, "Hello? Who's on the other line?"

A deep chuckle reverberated in my ears and my eyes widened. No.

"Why do you sound so happy, cupcake?" He slurred, his words resounding creepily in my head.

I clutched the phone tighter and chanted in my head 'keep calm.'

"Why are you calling, Nicholas?" I was surprised to hear my voice smooth and firm although anger was swirling in my stomach.

"To make a deal," I could feel him smile on the other line, "Meet me at the ice cream parlor at Everland Mall, tomorrow at 7 a.m."

I scoffed, "What makes you so sure I'll come."

"I know you're residing at the Miller's so you'll definitely come if I tell you I could easily harm that family," he chuckled coldly and my stomach dropped.

My throat went dry and I gulped, "You wouldn't do that," I did my best to stop the waver in my voice.

"Have you ever seen me go back on my word?"

"Why are you doing this? What do you want?" I whispered, my grip tightening on the phone as I squeezed my eyes shut.


And with a click, the call ended. It took me a whole minute before realising what he meant and even when I realised that, I stayed where I was. Nicholas wanted me. If he didn't get me, he would hurt Blake's whole family and Mia. I wouldn't let him do that.

I bit my trembling lip so hard that blood came out.

"Okay, I'll go," I whispered to myself. If that's what it took to protect Blake and Mia, then I would do it.

But I had the whole night in front of me and in case it happened to be my last night at the Millers, then I would make sure to tell Blake my story before going. I didn't want to leave him without him knowing about me.

Bracing myself, I snapped my head to look straight at the wall in front of me. I could face this. I could face anything. And with that thought in head, I swiveled to the staircase and went straight for my room. I opened the door and my steps faltered when I saw Blake leaning down and planting a small kiss on Mia's forehead. Her lips pulled back into a large smile and she closed her eyes while Blake pulled the covers over her.

My heart stuttered when he looked up and smiled a bright smile full of unknown feelings. I refused to acknowledge that emotion. My bit my bottom lip to stop it from trembling. I wouldn't be able to leave him if he kept smiling at me like this.

His smile slipped right off his face and with two long strides he had reached me, "What's wrong?"

I stared at him, his forehead creased, forming lines as his worry deepened. I raised my hand and placed it on his forehead, I gave him a faint smile and shook my head, "You're more handsome with no lines," I whispered softly and his eyes fluttered close.

A slow laugh rumbled up in his chest and I smiled. When he opened his eyes again, my smile wavered, "Blake?"

"Yes?" his eyes bore into my soul.

"Is it okay if we talk tonight?" I muttered, and glanced at my shoes.

He reached out and placed his hands on my shoulders softly, "Of course, Hayley." With a small nod, I turned my back on him and stopped in front of his door. He opened it and gestured for me to enter and I followed him inside.

"You want to take a shower first?" he asked, quirking a brow curiously.

"Sure," I nodded meekly and closed the bathroom door behind me. I did my best to waste as much time as possible taking a shower. But when I realised that that meant less time with Blake, I quickly turned off the shower and reached out for the towel. My hand met air and I blanched.

Oh no.

Gulping, I knocked on the door and Blake called out, "Yes?"

I opened the door a fraction and peeked out, "I forgot the towel,"

"Figured," Blake smirked and a blue towel was thrust in my face.

"Thanks," I squeaked, and shut the door. As soon as I was well dried, I grabbed one of Blake's large shirt and a boxer. The masculine scent hitting my nose deliciously and I smiled. For once, I would be able to smell him all night long. When I came out, he wasn't there and I shrugged confusedly.

I curled up in his bed and waited for the door to click open. Soon enough, he came back with his hair dripping wet, "Sorry, I was taking a shower in the other room."

"No, its fine," I smiled and sat up, my hair falling down over my shoulders. His eyes clouded over slightly and my heart fluttered. I wanted to pull him down and- no. I shook my head. There was no time for thoughts like that.

"You wanted to tell me?" He finally said after shaking his head twice.

"I- I trust you and-" I took a deep breath and he sat down beside me, nodding seriously.

"-and before I go-" my eyes widened and I quickly changed my words, "-before I go and get nervous, I wanted to tell you why I am like this today,"

Blake didn't seem to notice my small panic and frowned, "Is it something bad?"

"If you see me fighting guys illegally for a living then yes, I think it's pretty bad," I nodded and his eyes darkened.

He closed his eyes momentarily and reached out for my hand, "What happened?"

I bit my lip and started with my story,

"Everything started with Nicholas, my ex-boyfriend."

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