21: I am a rockstar (Part 2)

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After fiddling with the door, she was able to open it as the lock was broken. It was a small dark room with the smell of dust and paint reeking the air. She went inside the shadows and came out balancing two tins of what I guessed was paint in her hands. Everything clicked in my head.

I think I underestimated her, I love drunken Grace. I smirked eyeing her proudly. It's about time she gets her revenge on that dickhead.

"I think it's enough Grace", I said eyeing the pitch black car which was once red. But you can't even tell it was red because the black paint covered every part of it. It was a horrible mess- let's just say he's going to have a hard time cleaning this unless its permanent.

"Just one more", she angled the paint to throw it towards the car but before I know she fell on the floor while the bucket of paint rolled off her hands leaving tracks of black paint behind.

"I think we should go Grace. If someone sees you, you are going to be busted", looking around to see if anybody was there, I picked her up bridal style as I am pretty sure she wouldn't be able to climb the stairs. I just hope no one sees her, to put it more appropriately I hope no one sees a girl floating in mid air. And she was singing loudly which wasn't helping.

So, sooo what
I'm still a rock starrrrr,
I got my rock moves,
And I don't need youuu,
And gu-guess what,
I'm having moreee fun,
And now that we're done,
I'm gonna show you tonight!

I placed her on the floor of the corridor as I didn't have the keys to the door. I raided her purse as she continued her singing. Geez why does a girl's purse contain so many parts and the fact she was singing loudly wasn't helping me concentrate.

Suddenly I heard the clicking of the door behind me, I hastily dropped the purse on the floor. It wasn't certainly our door so it must be-

"Grace what are you doing here?" asked a sleepy Roderick in his boxers with a confused look plastered over his face. Of course it's Rod-Dick.

Grace stopped singing, looked up at Roderick and gave him a goofy smile. "Hi Roderickk! What's uppp?" she slurred leaning on the wall.

"Shit Grace, are you drunk?" the confused look on his face was replaced with concern. He kneeled down in front of her placing his hands on her shoulders. For some reason I was furious now- I wanted his hands off Grace. I gritted my teeth and balled my fists in anger. How dare he touch Grace? How dare he show concern for her after betraying her? Grace was a nice girl. She deserved better- at least better than this piece of shit. I badly wanted to crush his face but I refrained myself from doing that because Grace wouldn't want that. But he was deserving of it.

"Youuu asshole-don't touch me. I am fine", she tried to smack his hands of her shoulders but missed it.

"No Grace- you are not fine", Roderick ignored her and lifted her up in his arms. She didn't protest as she had her eyes closed and I am pretty sure she's too wasted by now to realize who was holding her. I gritted my teeth harder- I couldn't do anything. I hated myself for this.

He gingerly placed her on his couch. Grace's eyes were still closed. I wondered if she had passed out.

"I am thirsty", she croaked. Okay she hasn't passed out just yet.

"Stay awake Grace. I am bringing you a glass", he mumbled removing the locks of red hair from her face. Before he could retreat to the kitchen, Grace grabbed his hand. I am not liking this at all. A feeling is creeping up to me and I can't give a name to it. Jealousy? I shook my head in disapproval. I am definitely not jealous just pissed at the cheating asshole.

"Food too. I am hungryy", with that she let go of Roderick's hand and he headed towards the kitchen.

Something clicked in my head. I am a ghost. Yeah I am pretty sure you guys know that. I floated to the hallway and made my way in through Grace's door. I unlocked the door from inside and went to Grace.

"Grace get up. We need to get you home", I steadied her up and she complied. She took a few steps forward before she stopped in her tracks. "What now?" I sighed.

"I need to peee!"

"You can go to your bathroom", I suggested. I want her out of here as soon as possible.

"No! I want to go right now", she let go of me and sauntered towards Roderick's bathroom.

I didn't want to follow her but something tells me she's not going to be alright judging by how she was swaying and almost tripping in her steps. She got inside but didn't close the door.

"Are you sure you don't want to close the door?"

"Nope", she took what I assume is Roderick's toothbrush in her hands.

"You could have brushed at your-" before I could say anything she dipped the brush in the toilet bowl. She lifted it up and carefully placed it inside the holder again.

"I hope he gets sick", with that she ambled towards her house without my help.


"I am tired. I want to sleep", she yawned.

"Why don't you change first and go to sleep?"

"Okay", without any warning she started taking off her top. I quickly averted my eyes even though I didn't want to. The inner pervert in me wanted to take a peek.

She plopped herself on the bed and so I assumed she was fully dressed. I turned around to see Grace wearing only her oversized jersey. I couldn't help but check out her long legs.

"Are you sure you don't want to wear anything else?" I said awkwardly cleaning my throat.

"Yep. It's too hot out here", she rolled over to turn off the lamp.

I decided to take off. Being a ghost is boring- you have nothing to do but wonder off and haunt other people. But with time that gets boring too. But something stopped me.



"Can you stay?"

I hesitated. As much as I want to stay I know Grace wouldn't like that when she gets sober.

"Pleasee", she whispered softly. I can hear the tiredness in her voice. Giving up I position myself on the bed so that we are facing each other. The faint light from the street lights illuminated the room. I can see Grace's face and the faint trail of freckles on her cheeks. That made her look even more cuter.

"Grace you are beautiful", the words came out before I can help myself.

She smiled, her light brown eyes gleaming under the faint lights. "You are not bad yourself. I think you are really hot", she yawned and finally closing her eyes.


Chapter 21 complete! That was a big one for me. I usually don't write this long chapters.

So I decided to change the cast of Grace Summers from Emma Watson to Holland Roden. What do you think?

Dedicated to Julien because I think she's extremely talented and adorable! <3
Don't forget to check out her covers!

The Troublemaker's Ghost | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora