Chapter Two

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When the police officers arrived, they were quick in trying to clear up the commotion. They called Henry's parent's, explaining to them the situation and that they should come home right away. They took Brian's statement, but since there wasn't much he witnessed he was sent home after making me promise to call him as soon as I could.

As for me, they wanted to take me down to the station to take my statement. Since I already had a file going with all this stalker information, they wanted the lead detective to be the one to interview me.

The lead Detective aka Allan Greene, the man who couldn't solve a case even if the answer landed in his lap. Perhaps I was overreacting, but he hadn't been at all helpful in trying to track down the person tormenting me so I could only imagine how he was with other people.

As I waited, I looked around the familiar questioning room. They had a comfortable leather couch, and the walls were a neutral beige colour. They had some paintings up on the wall and a vase of flowers on the table beside me. Someone had obviously tried to make the place seem homier, but it didn't help that they had a camera attached to the ceiling in the corner that monitored your every move.

The door across from me opened, and in walked Detective Greene with his usual serious expression on his face. He looked like he was in his thirties, with dark hair cut short and dark brown eyes. He must have been at least six feet tall, and paired with his muscular build and serious attitude he made an extremely scary guy.

Greene slipped off his jacket and laid it on the back of a chair in front of me before sitting down. He pulled out his black notebook and a pen from his jeans, and looked at me.

"So I heard that you had an eventful night," He leaned forward slightly, his golden police badge dangling in front of him.

I laughed humorlessly, "Yeah I guess you could say that."

"Would you like to tell me about?"

"Why? So you can tell me that it's all just some practical joke, and then send me on my way?" I knew I must have sounded a bit rude, but after a month of him doing nothing, I was starting to get angry.

"Just tell me what happened."

I rolled my eyes, "Where would you like me to start? How about this morning when I found another picture addressed to me that told me I was next? Or when he showed up to the house where I was babysitting?"

His eyes widened slightly as he quickly jotted down some notes, "You have proof he was there?"

"No I just imagined the whole damn thing. It must have been the drugs I took before I started. Oops my bad," I said sarcastically as I grabbed my phone from my pocket and showed him the picture.

He took the phone and looked at the screen with a blank face. He wrote something else down then looked up at me, "I'll need this picture to put in file."

"Yeah, whatever. Hopefully you can do your job this time and figure out who this is, so maybe next time an innocent child's life doesn't have to be threatened. It's a good thing Brian showed up when he did, or we could've both been dead."

"I'm doing the best I can Layna, it's just your case isn't the priority right now. I've been busy with other cases an—"

"Save the excuses, I've already heard them a hundred times," I stood up, grabbing my own jacket and putting it on. "Now if we're finished, my parents are waiting for me."

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