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Callie's POV:

Fallon was really starting to get crabby. We haven't had food for quite a while and Fallon was not in a pleasant mood.

"Fallon now is not the time to be complaining about food," I snapped.

She still kept pacing around the room and muttering about something.

She stopped pacing and she started to breathe heavily.

"Fallon...," I whispered taking a step towards her shaking body.

"I can't do this anymore," Fallon sobbed.

"Fallon what are you talking about?" I asked trying not to let fear creep into my voice.

I saw a glint from Fallon's hand as it traveled slowly up to her neck.

I lunged at Fallon trying to knock whatever she had in her hand to the floor.

I knocked Fallon down and a shard of glass fell out of her hand.

"Callie please stop, I don't want to live anymore just let me leave," Fallon sobbed.

"Fallon we need to stick together and I know you are stronger than this," I said as I reached for the shard of glass.

Fallon snatched my hand out of the way. Tears where falling down her cheeks and she couldn't stop shaking.

"Callie please," Fallon whispered.

There was no more light behind Fallon's eyes only pools of darkness. The once cheerful beautiful girl was gone and replaced by it was a hopeless girl.

I looked at Fallon in the eyes trying to see the light one more time.

I placed the shard of glass in her outstretched hand, and took a step back as she raised the shard to her throat.

She looked at me one more time one last tear streamed down her cheek.

She slid the shard across her throat.

Blood spurted onto the floor and Fallon collapsed on to the ground with a soft thud.

I rushed over to her limp body on the floor. Blood was seeping down her throat and onto the floor.

I tucked a strand of her red hair behind her ear and grabbed her hand. I held it until the blood started to slow down.

I took the shard of glass stained with Fallon's blood and tucked it into my pocket.

Fallon's eyes where still wide open. I lifted my hand to close her eyes, but I heard the door slowly creek open.

I placed one last kiss on top of Fallon's forehead, and slowly closed her eyes.

"Well, what do we have here?" Harry spoke from the doorway.


Sorry for not updating in forever!

I have been very busy with school and swim practice and I feel super guilty for not updating and leaving you guys hanging ;(

So for you guys I wrote a special chapter, even though it is kind of sad...

I know it's kind of short but hey it's something :D

Next chapter I promise will be longer and it will answer some questions you guys might have, trust me I probably might already know a few hehe

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts!

And I hope you all have a wonderful holidays! <3

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