Getting Settled

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Levail sat next to me and shimmied into his seat until he was comfortably adjusted. Ellie was sitting in front of us, which I was thankful for because then she couldn't see us. I got out my phone and laptop in order to look into some things we could do while we were in Dallas around our hotel. It was only noon and we were expected to arrive at our hotel around two. I figured we could probably hit up the mall in order to get some clothes that we could wear during the mission.

"Hey, watcha doing?" I diverted my attention from my screen to Levail.

"Oh, I was checking into some stuff for us to do while were in Dallas. I figure we should probably hit up the mall so we can get clothes for the mission. Then we can all go to dinner."

"Maybe we can go to dinner together... just you and me?"

"What about Ellie, she's part of the mission too." Ellie turned around from her seat.

"Don't worry, I'm not hungry." She said with a smile.

"But it's only noon, dinner will probably be around six."

"I'm not hungry then either."

"But-" She put a finger over my lips.

"You're going to dinner with Levail." With that, she turned back around and readjusted herself in her seat. I chuckled knowing I had just lost the fight.

"I guess were getting dinner then." He said with a bright smile.

"I guess so, I hear they have some nice places to eat. Or we could just eat at the hotel."

"Oh no, this is a date now. We're going somewhere nicer than the hotel."

"Alright, I'll leave that to you then."

"Good, I'll surprise you."

"So, you look nice in jeans and a t-shirt, is that the style you're sticking with for the mission?"

"If you think it looks good, then probably."

"My opinion doesn't really matter. I don't know how teenage boys dress."

"Pretty much like this, I hear they don't really care. Apparently, I have more in common with teenage guys than I thought."

"At least you know what you're doing, I don't go on assignment often enough to know."

"Maybe I can help, I go out for assignment often enough to know at least a little about teenage girls. And I know a few."

"How? You don't socialize with anyone outside of the agency, do you?"

"I don't solely do my mission, if I'm out, I'm going to explore a little. A lot of girls give me their phone numbers, maybe I could ask them what they like to do."

"That would be good because I need all the help I can get."

"You'll do fine, but speaking of the mission, what do you think they want?"

"I don't know, maybe they know that the agencies have teenage members and were just more likely to tell people about it. I'm honestly not sure, but I guess were going to find out."

"Yeah, so what else do you want to do while were there. I anticipate we'll be there for a while, so what else do you think we should do?"

"We could go to the movies, they have an indoor sports arena where we could play. They also have art classes at the galleria, or ice skating, It get's pretty hot where were going to be."

"Yeah, all of those sound like a blast."

"Do you know how much is in our reserved accounts?"

"I'm willing to bet quite a bit, this is kind of like a vacation for us as well so Rusty wants us to enjoy ourselves a little while on this mission too."

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