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First Kiss

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Suki couldn't remember how she made it past the next few days. She went through the motions of arranging her parent's funeral like an automaton, cold and unfeeling. She had thought that saying goodbye would be difficult. After all, most of her life had revolved around them. Yet as the flames consumed their bodies and turned them into ashes, her eyes remained dry. Not even the fact that she was now truly alone fazed her.

Emptiness. That was all there was. She had nothing more to give.

"Hey, Suki! Are you there?"

A knock on the door drew her away from her thoughts. She hadn't seen Devin much because he often left very early in the morning and came home when she was already in her room. In a way, that was good because she wasn't in the mood for polite conversation.

"Yes, I'm here," she said as she opened the door to her room. "What's up?"

"Feels like I haven't seen you in forever even though we live in the same house," he said in his usual teasing manner.

"Well, I've been busy and you have been too so..."

"That's true. Were you able to get some of your things here?" he asked as he glanced at the room behind her.

She opened the door wider and replied, "Yep! I have my clothes and some other things. It's not much, so I hope you don't mind if I keep them here for now."

"Sure, no problem," he replied as he took something out of the pocket of his jeans and offered it to her.

"By the way, here's an old phone of mine. I don't need it anymore so it's yours," Devin said while fiddling with the phone. "I've already added my number, so it will be easier to contact each other."

Although he said it was an old phone, she noticed that it was a fairly recent model.

"Devin, you've already given me enough by letting me stay here. I can't possibly accept more."

"It's okay, really," he insisted while pushing the device into her hand. "I need to have a way of reaching you. Just in case, you know? Plus, I have no use for it so just take it."

She took it with reluctance, having no argument for his reasoning. "Okay, thank you, but I'll return this after five months."

"Anyway, you seem busy and I don't want to take more of your time. My mom has invited me to dinner this Saturday. I plan to introduce you to her then, is that okay?"

That soon? Moisture gathered in her palms. She rubbed them against her jeans. "I... I'm free on Saturday."

"Great." Devin stepped from the door and walked away.

"Devin, wait!"

He stopped and looked back.

"Um... don't we need to practice what we're going to say?"

"Do you have time now? I haven't had dinner so I was planning to heat up some food and discuss the details while eating. The dishes you've been making are great, by the way."

When he smiled like that, she found it hard not to smile in return.

"Thanks! I'm glad you like the food. Sure, we can discuss it over dinner. I've already had mine, but I'd love a cup of tea."

As Devin led the way downstairs, Suki observed him from behind. His hair once again looked like he ran his fingers through it too many times as clumps of it were sticking every which way. He was wearing a loose white t-shirt that nevertheless showed off his broad shoulders. Faded baby blue jeans clung to his longs legs. Her hand was seconds away from touching his hair before she caught herself.

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Thrown out of an abusive home, Suki pretends to be Devin's girlfriend...
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