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Chapter 80

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I regarded the barn door in distaste. The sun had set a few hours ago, and my instincts weren't impressed this Nightstalker dared to trespass on my turf. How my instincts had decided this Stronghold and the area around it were my territory was beyond me. Either way, I didn't like this Nightstalker here.

For some odd reason, Daniel's scent didn't bring out the territorial side of my instincts. Possibly because he had been here first, or maybe because he wasn't a feral Nightstalker. I didn't know, and unless another sane Nightstalker showed up, chances were I'd never figure it out.

With a grimace, I decided I had delayed the inevitable long enough. I pulled the barn door open with the faintest creak. A snarl marked the moment the Nightstalker picked up my scent. I slowly entered the room in a half crouch, waiting to see how she reacted.

The Nightstalker's red eyes were locked onto the doorway, and when she saw my glowing eyes, she loosed a high-pitched challenging scream as she protested my approach and presence. The scream sounded slightly off, although I couldn't pinpoint the exact difference. I retaliated with a scream of my own, more fierce with my instincts having laid claim to this land for weeks.

I exhaled a rattling breath as I realized my own scream also sounded somewhat off. Both calls were slightly different from what they should have been, and I had a sneaking suspicion the drug was to blame.

The two Runners could see my red eyes, and since my scream had revealed my rank, they showed no interest in me and continued shuffling around their cages. With a low snarl, the Nightstalker backed up a step and turned sideways. She knew she was on my territory and wanted no part of a First Strike challenge.

I tilted my head as I silently regarded the faintly growling zombie. She had backed down much faster than I expected. Her low growls were from her dislike of my presence, as opposed to a challenge or warning. Had she not been caged, she would have swiftly left the area. I pretended to ignore her while walking farther inside. She watched me but did nothing since I wasn't focused on her.

As a test, I straightened out of my crouch to walk like a human, and the Nightstalker snarled viciously as she charged forward, slamming into the bars. I rounded on her with a snarl of my own, my eyes glowing a brighter red as my instincts surged even higher at the feral's threat.

Once more, she turned sideways, although she continued growling lightly at my human body language. I narrowed my eyes; as a Nightstalker, she should have realized I was a Nightstalker from my scent, regardless of how I moved.

Runners could be easily tricked like that, but not a Nightstalker at such a close range. I suspected her actions were due to how she was trapped in the cage; like a chained dog, she made more noise and acted more unpredictably.

When I let my knees bend the slightest amount to match a zombie's stance, the feral fell silent. She understood my current body language and wanted to stay out of my way since she didn't want to challenge me. She was using the zombie rules to her advantage. If she didn't challenge me, I wouldn't attack her.

I moved to the far side of the room and leaned against the counter. The Nightstalker watched me with glowing red eyes but didn't move. I waited for the next stage of our test.

It wasn't long before I heard the side-by-side approaching. As we had planned, Nicky parked beside the barn while Daniel and Nina waited in the Stronghold for five more minutes, just so their presence didn't mess up this test.

The moon provided just enough light for Nicky to see the barn door and open it. The Nightstalker watched silently as she entered the room. Nicky glanced around and saw two pairs of red eyes watching her in the darkness. She slowly entered the barn.

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