Chapter 15: The Past That Haunts

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I continue to dodge his stabs that kept coming in different directions. "How bout small talk? I'm getting lonely right now." I comment as I duck a swing and attempt a punch. "We don't have anything to talk about." He hissed. "You know, I didn't get your name." I casually ask, ignoring his remark. "Why should I reveal who I am?! Fight me Leader of the Reaperz! Why are you just dodging?!" He laughs maniacally. The smoke had finally cleared and he was standing right in front of me.

"Woah, bad breath." I hold my nose and wave the air around me. He stops his laughter short, "Really?" He stops and exhales on his palm, taking a whiff. "No it's no-" Before he could finish his sentence I had tripped him down onto the floor. I grab his shirt and flipped him over, holding his right arm to his back. "Honestly though I wouldn't be surprised if it really was." I comment. He growls as he tries to push me off. I hooked my leg with one of his kicking ones and pulled it towards his trapped arm. "Argh!!" He was shaking slightly. "Let go of me!" He exclaims, "Tell me who you are,"' I smirk. He continues to struggle in my hold, I unhook my belt and tied his trapped limbs together.

I pulled the belt and made sure it was tight, I ponder for a while before tightening it to 2 more holes. "I'm not very patient with people who attack me, tell me who you are." I drag a chair over and sit on it with the back rest forward. He grunts as he pulls against my belt, "Fine, if you must know. I'm Parish, I work for big businesses." I drum my fingers on the wood, "What is your purpose of visit?" His face turned dumbfounded, "I'm at an airport now?" I continue drumming my nails, making the sound echo throughout the room. "And you are about to get a one way ticket to hell immediately if you can't answer my inquiries." He grunts in annoyance.

"Purpose of visit?" I ask again, "I'm working for the owner of this hotel, told me there were gonna be some burglars attempting theft." I did a fake dramatic gasp whilst putting one hand on my heart, "A burglar? Me? I'm offended." I say the last part with monotone. I stand up from the chair and started looking around for the safe. Bookshelves lined either side of the wall with a study desk at the back. The only sound in the room were my heels clicking against the marble floor and the constant grunting and shifting clothing of Parish.

The room was far too small to hold that many men just now. My only guess was a secret room somewhere. I glide my hand along the leather covered books on one of the shelves, I then noticed there was a gem stuck on every book spine at the bottom, all a different colour. "You are obviously looking for something in this room." He comments. "And you are obviously not helping." He continues to struggle against my titanium and leather belt. "Just stop trying, you're going to stop the blood flow in your limbs. It's made from titanium, leather and a hint of diamond." He actually listened.

I continue observing the books on the shelf. I noticed how one of the books stuck out, I pushed it in and the entire shelve moved away. I gasp at the sight before me. It was an iron room and in the center was a safe. I put my ear against the door and started turning the dial. I continued turning it, hearing the clicks it made. When I was sure I got it, I pulled the door but it didn't budge. I walk around the safe, observing its black metal walls.

Suddenly I had a flashback of the past, an encounter I had a few years back which was similar to the current situation. I look closer at the walls, I pulled the back end of the safe and it indeed pull out. So it indeed was a puzzle safe. I pull the sides next, all three walls clicked into place when pulled to the very top. I look at the door, there was one more puzzle. I knock on the wall going downwards,  the very bottom sounded hollow. I dig my nails into the bottom and a part pulled out. I pulled the handle and it opened, but the sight puzzled me.

The jewels weren't there, in its place an empty metal bowl. I notice a note at the bottom and picked it up. "I'll be taking these." I read the note out loud. I then notice the name at the bottom. I immediately crushed the paper, "Traitor." I mumbled under my breath. 

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