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Rosa's POV.

Things were like seriously on a roller coaster in my life. My mom, would never pay attention to me, its like I never existed for her.
Her world is made up of liquor, cigarettes, and regrets. Recently she made up a bar in the house, with a counter and racks of all kinds of alcohol, because things always work according to her. My dad is always on some foreign business which means he's rarely home.

"M-Mom?" I asked trembling. She was drinking beer, I guess, sitting on the table.
"What?" She said coldly,

"C-Can I-I go to Ab-Abby's place?" I asked her in fear,

"Do whatever the shit you want," She said, not even looking at me, chugging the whole glass at once,

"Will you be okay?"  I asked,

"Get out, will you?" She sounded fully annoyed, I grabbed my phone, coat and ran out wiping a few tears off my cheek,

I was almost at Abby's place when I saw a sheet of paper lingering around. I picked it up and looked around for a bin, as I was about to toss it in, I saw a drawing on that paper,
It was a drawing painted in red. I could not understand what that drawing really wanted to portray.

"Hey, that's mine!" I heard a girl behind me,

"Okay, here," I said handing her the paper, and flashing a smile,

"Thank you," She said with a very straight face and resolute tone.

I nodded, still smiling,

"That's very important to me," She said hugging her drawing,

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know,"

"Its okay," She said and ran away,

Abby POV.

The door bell rung and I hurried to open the door, surprisingly I saw Rosa.
"Hey!" We said hugging each other,

"Cute PJs," She said,

"Oh, these? They're outta trend now,"

"I know but, kinda suits you,"

"Anyway, come on in," I said as I saw her entering my house. I closed the door behind her and asked her to take the seat.

"So, what's new?" I asked
her handing her, her favorite juice.

"Thanks." She said as she took the juice.

"My life's on a huge roller coaster," She said,

"Oh, and why is that?" I asked her sitting next to her,

"I just escaped the living hell," She said resting her head on my shoulder,

"You mean your house?"
She nodded,

"I'm glad you're okay," I said resting my head slowly on hers.

"Yeah me too," She said,

"And what about you?" She asked me,

"I can't think straight these days,"  I said pulling my head up and facing her,

"What happened?" She asked me taking a sip of her drink.

"Its Mom, I don't know why, but these days she talks to herself at night," I told her,

"Is it sleep talking?" She asked. I shook my head.

"She talks when she's awake. She looks at the wall adjacent to her bed and starts talking, as if she's speaking to someone I can't see, but feel it," I said. She kept her hand on mine.

"Did you hear anyone else talk back to her?" She asked,

"Not once," I said, she nodded her head.

"Did she ever mention a name or any identity of this specific someone she talks to?"

"Maybe, but I don't quite remember that," I said wishing that I could remember anymore of it,

"Lets go to the library, maybe we find some books on this? It might be hallucinations or something," Rose suggested.


"Did you find anything?" She asked me. Sadly, I shook my head in a no,

"Books about paranormal," Rose said.

"What?" I asked,

"That's what this book is called, will this help?" She enquired.

"I don't know," I sat down with her one of the tables,

We opened the book, but it was all about demons. All that demons could do to you. How powerful they are. Their existence. But there was nothing about mom's strange behaviour.

"Finding something?" We heard a hoarse, old, croaky voice right behind us. We turned around to see an old lady, she must be around her 60s.

"Um, yeah." I replied with a faint smile.

"I happen to be the librarian. How may I help you?" She asked with a pleasing smile plastering her face.

I narrated her the whole thing, and she nodded every time I took a pause which indicated that's she's listening.

"So, what do you suggest we do?" Rose asked her politely.

"I don't usually believe in such stuff but if I had to suggest you something, I'd say, go to this address and talk to this person," She said softly, and wrote down an address on the back of a business card,

"Who is this person?" I asked,

"Andrew Black," She said, looking deep into my eyes, as if I should know that person, but sad for her, I didn't.

"Who is this Andrew?" Rosa asked.

"A young paranormal investigator," She said looking at the marble walls of the counter,

"Why do you think he might be of any help to us?" I asked,

"I'm not sure, but he's the best I've got for you right now,"

"21st Avenue, 2nd street, 7th house. (Red brick roof, caramel coloured building with a garden of roses, and a swing.)"

That's the mentioned address.

"Okay, thank you," I said shaking hands with her,
We stepped out of the library,

"When are we going to meet that Andy Black?" She asked me,

"Rose, its Andrew Black," I said.

"Like I care," she said rolling her eyes.

"We'll visit him tomorrow. I am pretty tired, lets get home. I need sleep." I said yawning.

"Me too." Rose agreed,


And it just takes two seconds to hit that star, would ya? Thanks❤



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