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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the song on loop.

As she blinked her eyes open, she could still feel the sensation of his lips on hers. The odd part was that she couldn't feel the cold anymore, but she could remember having the life sucked out of her. She had tried to push Drem away, but he wouldn't budge. Her lungs were begging for air, but all they received was the biting cold. When her vision had started to go, she knew that she probably wouldn't wake up again, yet here she was thinking about what had happened.

None of it made sense since she couldn't feel anything around her, and she was scared to open her eyes. She didn't wish to open them and find herself really dead; she didn't desire to believe it. It pained her, though, to know that she had warmed up to Drem only for him to kill her. Perhaps, he thought it romantic to kill her with a kiss, but she just thought it selfish. He had taken her life from her. He had robbed her of all of her dreams.

When it came down to it, though, she had asked him to accept her selfishness. In reality, she probably was his last chance at companionship, yet she denied him it to pursue her own goals. Even though that was the case, she felt that she was justified in turning him down. She had a right to live her life after all, and she had thought that Drem had understood that. H*ll, she even established that they were on neutral grounds with each other, despite everything that he had done to her in the beginning.

Bringing her hands up, she brought them through her hair. At least, she could still feel that she had her body. It didn't change the fact, though, that she was dead. Or, she thought that she was. In order to solve this dilemma, she steadily opened her (e/c) eyes and took in her surroundings. She was in the guest room at Nathan's house? Had Drem not actually killed her? Wait, why couldn't she feel the bed under her? She knew that she was lying down from her current perspective.

Her eyes only scanned the room for a few more seconds before landing a figure in the room. Sitting up some, she rubbed her eyes and looked over to them again. Maybe, she was just having some bizarre dream. The figure was somewhat see-through, but their features were well defined as well.

Messy auburn locks hung just past his jaw as roguish brown eyes stared her way. A storm grey and black plaid scarf was wrapped around his neck in a loose manner while a black blazer rested over a crimson vest and black button-up. Storm grey skinny jeans covered his legs and crimson dress shoes completed the look. As he eyed her over, a smirk tugged at his lips. "Took you long enough to open your eyes, my love," he remarked in a smooth honeyed voice.

Hearing these words, she blinked a few times and furrowed her brows. She couldn't have heard that right. That was what Drem had called her towards the end of her stay, but she couldn't ever hear him. Nor for that matter, could she ever see him if that was him before her.

Not believing her eyes or ears, she glanced down only to jump slightly in shock. She brought both of her hands up to her eye level and saw how they were slightly see-through as well. Her eyes widened, and she mumbled under her breath, "No, no, no, no..." This couldn't be happening.

Seeing her phone nearby, she tried to grab it, but her hand went right through. She proceeded to wonder how she was sitting on the bed, but she discovered that she was hovering slightly over it. Did that mean? (F/n) whipped her around back to look at the male. A smirk was still on his lips, and his arms were now crossed over his chest as he observed her. "Dr-drem?" she stuttered out.

Enclosed Perimeters (Yandere M. x F. Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ