Chapter 3 Accidental Kiss

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Chapter 3

Accidental kiss

Xiao felt like his soul was still detached from him body. He crumpled into a shocked empty husk.

"Didn't I say for you to keep close to me?" The low voice was ground out from clenched teeth.

He wasn't sure where Heine had come from but one hand steadied his crouching body and another pulled the blade from the zombie, flicking the fluid and flesh off of it. It splattered against the wall. Xiao was shocked at how he had suddenly appeared from such a distance. What kind of speed was this guy capable of?

Xiao took this moment of close proximity and looked at Heine's profile. His eyes were austere  and his brow bone and nose were chiseled and resolute. Like a cold stone statue, no expression lined his face, he appeared as an angel of death.

"Up." He punctuated his command with a flick of his wrist and Xiao found his sight cut by that cold blade. Swallowing hard, he rushed to keep pace with Heine.

Mark and Captain White have already gone inside the nuclear power plant. They have entered the inner potion of the ruined building near where the unused uranium was stored. After sitting for 200 years who knows the integrity of the raw materials.

Many of the zombies were attracted to Heine and his blade sliced endlessly through the air, his agile  movements and the trajectory of his blade, were so accurate that it seemed as though he were precisely calculating each swing. His ability was chilling to witness.

Mark roughly kicked the door open and the steel protested the movement with a load squeaking noise. Captain White almost crumpled to the ground in fright.

"Maybe...try not to make too many sounds that will lure them?" The words were squeezed out with labored breathing.

Mark just shot back a hard look, pulled out a gas mask out and pressed it to Captain White's face, dragging him inside by the collar.

Xiao looked expectantly over at Heine who dangled another mask from his index finger in front of Xiao's face.

Xiao didn't even have a moment to say thanks nor did Heine reveal a breath of the plan. The door slammed behind them and all light was snuffed out, the darkness was thick and penetrating. Xiao struggled to keep close to Heine.

The power has long been out, Heine removes an automated light stick from his belt and the passage lights up. The device hovers over their heads, lighting the way as they continue to explore the area.

Eventually they stumble across mangled remains littering the ground, Xiao's heart tightens and he feels faint.

These are not human remains. They are zombies.

They reach another set of doors and enter the plant's reaction center.

Seeing the ladder, Xiao takes off any extra weight and begins to climb up to the reactor. The air was full with filth and coated the exposed areas of his face in dust. Heine climbed alongside him. As he continued the long climb, his heart felt bitter and the air of oppression coming from Heine left no room for complaint. Heine and Mark didn't slow their movements at all and he struggled to keep pace.

Thrive in Catastrophe by 焦糖冬瓜Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon