31 Days of Self Love

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Day 1: What is your biggest struggle with loving yourself?

Day 2: Get rid of a limiting belief that you have about yourself and your abilities.

Day 3: What good habit do you want to begin this month?

Day 4: What is a compliment that you struggle to accept about yourself?

Day 5: What is something you need to start saying "yes" to?

Day 6: What do you need to forgive yourself for?

Day 7: Name a thing you love about your body and your personality.

Day 8: Where in your life do you need to slow down and take your time?

Day 9: What's something in your life that you need to get rid of?

Day 10: How can you set better boundaries in your life?

Day 11: How would you describe yourself in a loving way to a stranger?

Day 12: What things make you happy to be alive?

Day 13: Take a selfie. Just as you are. Find one thing to love about it.

Day 14: What would your younger self be proud of you for today?

Day 15: What are you afraid to ask for? What do you need to speak up about?

Day 16: What is the most loving thing you've ever done for yourself?

Day 17: When was the last time you indulged yourself and how?

Day 18: What's one change you can make to increase your happiness?

Day 19: How are you making the world a better place?

Day 20: How can you give yourself a break today? (Mentally, physically, or emotionally.)

Day 21: What's something you're working on believing that you deserve? 

Day 22: What things make you feel bad, but you find yourself doing them anyway?

Day 23: What does your support system look like? How can you make it stronger?

Day 24: What's something you wish someone would say to you?

Day 25: What things are you really good at?

Day 26: What does your shadow self look like?

Day 27: What's one choice you can make right now that your future self will thank you for?

Day 28: Who are your role models and what qualities do you share with them?

Day 29: What words or beliefs do you (want to) live your life by?

Day 30: What labels (positive) do you assign yourself?

Day 31: Going forward, how can you commit to loving yourself every day? 

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Information from https://www.blessingmanifesting.com/31-days-self-love/

Picture from http://christellabijou.ca/illustrations/colorful/

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