Chapter 39

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The room filled with a tense silence as the three of us silently contemplated the new revelation. Every few moments or so, I could feel Ivan's gaze at me but whenever I tried making eye contact with him, he'd avert his gaze. It went on like this for a while longer, him sneaking glances at me while I tried to catch him in the act until a thought peaked my interest.

"I'm not sure how important this is but I saw her in the hallway talking to a man not too long ago"

"I highly doubt she's bold enough to try something else in a hospital but I should alert the police" Ivan spoke, as he pulled out his phone to make the call. Once he was connected with someone, he stepped out into the hall to continue the call in private.

I let out a long sigh, the events of the day slowly taking its toll on my mind as I leaned my head against the wall to stay awake. The mere thought of my mother, the woman who raised me after my father walked out on us and the woman who made sure I didn't succumb to the darkness, spending who knows how long in jail made me want to hurl into the nearest bucket. I ran through every memory I could remember of my childhood to figure out where exactly the needle snapped and she lost her marbles but I came up blank.

"Don't waste your energy trying to figure out when she became like this because I've known her since we were in college and I still can't find an answer." My father paused to shift his body to face me before continuing. "Part of me thinks that this was who she was all along and it only took so long for me to see her for who she really was but the other part of me, the one still in love with her has hope that their is another reason that we don't know yet"

I replayed what he had said in my head for the next few minutes trying to convince myself to stay hopeful but that was cut short when the door was opened once more. I paid no attention to who it was thinking it was Ivan, until the person stood in my line of sight only to reveal that it was her, my mother.

"What the hell are you doing in here" I spat heatedly, rushing to stand in between her and my father.

"Oh mija, is that anyway to speak to your mother" she questioned in a motherly voice, trying to hide her true intentions from us. I observed her tensely, trying to piece together some information just by her stance and her facial expressions but I came up empty.

"If you won't tell me what you're doing here then at least tell me why you sent men to attack Ivan and Alejandro" I countered still seeking some sort of clue as to what her stake in all of this was.

"Well to be completely honest, I never planned for it to get this far but your father and playtoy are too damn stubborn to listen to reason." she began, taking a seat in the chair closest to her as she examined her nail polish. "I sent numerous warnings to both your father and Ivan to do as I say unless they wanted to pay the consequences but just like you, they're stubborn to a fault"

"What did you warn them about" I urged inching closer to her.

"I told Ivan countless times to stay away from you and my family but that man doesn't know when to let go. Your eagerness for me to tell you this must only mean that he kept it from you so I guess he's destroying his relationship without my assistance. After all, what is a relationship without trust and communication?" she mocked, the end of her speech geared towards Alejandro.

"And Alejandro?"

"I told him that he needed to give me the money he owes me for all the crap he's put me through during our marriage. He refused the first time and then stopped responding so I sent in a little reinforcements" and almost on cue, the door opened to reveal Simone much to my confusion.

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