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Did you miss the memo? The story is over, folks!

Ohhhh, you're one of THOSE people who stick around to watch the credits roll at the end of the movie. In that case, we need to do this properly with a kickin' soundtrack. But first, some shameless promotion.

If you liked the story, you can support me in several ways: 1) Buy on Amazon, 2) write a review 3) visit me at 4) spread the word or 5) send me good karmic vibes!

Now, back to the party! Given the role of K-Pop in this story, here are my suggestions for musical accompaniment:

Hellevator by Stray Kids

Fake Love by BTS

Crocodile by Monsta X

Say My Name by Ateez

Kill This Love by BlackPink

I recommend watching them on YouTube to get the full effect, but then how would you read this? So on second thought, maybe Spotify is better.

To keep things interesting, this is a combo of reader Q&A along with shout-outs to my supporters, who are also fantastic writers—so check them out! (these are in no particular order by the way—I'm not the sort of person who ranks their friends).

@CharlesSmith9 For your pedantic, mean and terrifically helpful review of the opening chapters. I can think of no better person to get lessons in irony (as well as writing) from.

@MauriceArh For your intelligent, insightful remarks—so helpful when ironing out a draft. And also for your follow up—so helpful on the rebound into another project.

@Graph_ For being well informed and taking the time to write thoughtful and thought-provoking comments. It came as no surprise to discover you are a teacher IRL.

Question 1: How long did it take you to do the research for the story?

Many years and almost no time at all. Yes, I'm one of those geeky people who reads science for FUN. This story is an amalgam of technologies and ideas that have been jiggling around my brain like quantum particles. The real challenge was to pare the science parts back in order to bring the story into focus.

@donnaf1828 For your comments, support and friendship. Waking up to see your votes/comments really gave me that extra boost I needed when I was deep in the throes of editing.

@hafferby For both welcoming me to wattpad and showing what it has to offer. Your willingness to tackle difficult subjects and experiment with voice, style and form is an inspiration.

Question 2: How did I come up with the title for West of Nothing?

My fondness for symbolic place names may have something to do with the fact I was born in Independence and currently live just south of Prosper. I even recently took a trip to Celebration. As places accrue history, the names themselves take on their own mythology and sometimes irony.

But the real inspiration came from the spaceport outside of Truth or Consequences. I knew that an Area 51 location would need to be out in the middle of nowhere, so when I came across Nothing on the map, I knew I had my place.

@z4k4ri4 For being my first cover-to-cover reader. 

@Christine_Owen For being a freaking riot. You make wattpad colorful and fun. But damn, do you have to be so prolific? You make the rest of us envious. ;)

Question 3: What did Mason say to the X-Bot at the end?

Something simple, dumb and genuinely, uniquely Mason.

"I am Mason." (and no, he did not say it in the "I am Groot" voice)

@marjoryk For your plot feedback and advice on Johnny's accent—and also for the wattpad tips.

@MoodyMooseMouse For your ongoing support and friendship. You set the bar as a humble writer and a strong advocate for other writers on wattpad.

West of NothingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ