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We land softly on the top of the stone castle. There are no fires or volcanoes or screeching creatures or horrible roots up here. There are birds chirping, and the air is fragrant with jasmine, Lily-Bella's favorite shampoo scent. We're on a luminous pale surface with potted orange and lemon trees along the edge of the bailey next to the battlement. The glowing iridescent stone walls of the castle are adorned in a crisscross pattern of star jasmine vines. There is a feeling of utter peace and beauty, and I cannot imagine why anyone would want to leave this place.

Lily-Bella puts her fingers to her lips, indicating we should be quiet. Then she gestures for us to follow her. She waves her wand, and an arched wooden door appears in the castle's wall. We enter a dark room that smells like baking pies and melted chocolate and yeasty bread—my stomach grumbles.

Lily-Bella waves her wand again, and the room is bathed in a magical fairy light. Wands are so handy. I wonder if I have enough fairy in me to use one?

There are gleaming silver ovens. Marble countertops covered with the most beautiful baked goods I've ever seen: golden-crusted latticework pies with oozing red fruit, sugar-sparkled razor-thin cookies, and dozens of unicorn-topped fairy cakes arranged on a seven-tiered dessert tower.

"What is this magical place of wonder?" I whisper. Without conscious thought, my hand veers toward a cookie, but Lily-Bella slaps it away. "Hey!"

Lily-Bella shakes her head. "This is the castle's pastry kitchen. But DON'T eat anything."

"Not a problem for me," Pierce laments.

My mouth waters. "Why not?" I ask Lily-Bella. I'd already fantasized about living permanently in this very room.

Lily-Bella sighs. "Because once you eat the food in the fairy dimension, you'll never want to leave."

"But don't fairies eat it?"

"Of course, but it doesn't have the same effect on us." She pops a cookie into her mouth as if to prove her point.

I'm pretty sure I'm drooling. "Urgh! Why are there so many rules in Fairyland?"

"Fintan and Pickles are close by," says Lily-Bella, totally ignoring my question. "But I also feel the presence of others. Powerful fairies are here at the castle today. Stay close; the castle changes at its own will. Passages shift, rooms reposition themselves. If you separate from me, you may never get out of here. My wand will show us the safest route. Questions?"

"Only one," I say.


"About my clothes." Everyone stares at my bare legs.

"Oh, right." Lily-Bella giggles and waves her wand.

Now I'm dressed like Lily-Bella in a long, poofy, satin gown, but mine is a lovely teal instead of pink. It doesn't seem like the best outfit for subterfuge, but I don't want to argue. At least I'm not prancing around in comical underwear! "Thanks."

"Sure. I suppose I did us all a favor," Lily-Bella says, smiling at me.

Pierce clears his throat. "Speak for yourself, Lily-Bella. I rather enjoyed her other outfit." He grins. Pierce thinks if he does that adorable dimpled-grin thing, I won't say anything about his remark.

My mouth is open, and I'm in the process of concocting an impressive retort when Lily-Bella's wand starts to vibrate, the glowing tip flashing on and off like a lighthouse.

"Let's go," she says.

We exit through a door on the opposite side of the kitchen from where we entered and walk into a hallway. Even though we're still indoors, the floor is carpeted with sweet-smelling grass sprinkled with wildflowers in dazzling colors I've never seen in the earthly realm. Ivy climbs the walls. Fairy lights dance on the ceiling, and tiny alicorns fly from flower to flower like pollinating bees. Miniature fairies, in sheer gowns, frolic on the leaves.

Mermaids And The Vampires Who Love ThemOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora