(65): Lunch

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Jacob Forrest: Hey, Chels.
Uh, I'm leaving today and I just wanted to meet up for lunch with you. I hope you don't mind.

I get that message while watching TV. I bite my lip awkwardly cause I really don't think Kyle will like that. He doesn't exactly try to hide his distaste and possessiveness.

After a while of contemplating, I finally decide that Jake is my best friend and I really do owe him an appreciation and a one-on-one for coming all the way to see if I was okay...

Me: no problem. we can meet at 'Diner Lounge' in an hour.

Jacob Forrest: I'll see you there, ugly.

He answers almost immediately and I find myself grinning at the nickname.

Kyle is in his room taking a shower after hitting the gym. The rest of yesterday was just spent watching movies, speaking and a lot of making out. Like, a lot. I can't help but blush when I think about it. I've never been that... adventurous with a guy before. I'd always keep the sexual contact at a minimal, but with Kyle I can't seem to control myself. I just want his amazing lips on me all the damn time!

Not my fault he can kiss so well.

And gosh, I kept feeling something hard. I obviously know what it was and I'm a bit freaked out cause I wasn't scared, I was... curious and lust-y.

Is that bad?

Wait... does this mean I'm finally ready? Like, to do it? Am I?! Should I be worried? I mean normally the thought of doing it would scare the living hell out of me, but with Kyle it doesn't. It actually sounds... appealing and exciting...!

Chelsea, you're doomed.

Should I tell him?

No, not yet. I'll tell him when I'm sure cause I don't think I 100% am. I'll just wait till then... gosh, I'm scared though. I think I'm addicted to the guy or something.

After not hearing the shower water anymore for a while, I decide to walk to his room.

I knock lightly, just in case he's naked. You wouldn't mind though, would you Chels? Shut up brain and hormones!

"Come in, Chelsea-Anne" He replies.

I open the door and enter. My lips almost water at the sight cause he's shirtless, but with sweatpants on and they're hanging dangerously low. His hair is also wet, some sticking onto his forehead.


I think he's made it his personal mission to torture me.

My eyes rake his prominent abs and I'm pretty sure I want to lick them and be under them or something. They trail to the 'V' disappearing into his sweatpants and I feel my heartbeat quicken.

Snap out of it!

"Done eye-fucking me?" He smirks.

I shake my head quickly before looking into his amused eyes. I clear my throat "Uh, what are you talking about?"

He laughs at me "I'd be scared at the way you're looking at me if I was a piece of meat"

Busted. I do indeed want to eat him.

I just roll my eyes, acting unaffected, as I walk closer and sit on his very comfortable and big bed "You're seeing things, Chambers" I reply
meekly, watching him.

He's so gorgeous.

"Okay" He snorts amused.

He grabs a lotion bottle and squeezes some onto his hand before continuing to rub it on his neck then chest. He looks like an ad for Playboy, playing in slow-motion in black and white.

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