21. Going to the Royal Festival

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After I got lost in the forest, Grey, Ace, and I were able to find our way back to the castle. They handed me over to my brother, Ash, and left to go meet Sir Maddy.

When they left, Ash began to scold me.

"Cordelia, why are you still an idiot..." Ash sighed.

"Hey! I've always had better test scores than you! So, don't call me an idiot," I said stubbornly.

"Just because you happen to be academically smart doesn't mean that you aren't dumb," Ash muttered.


I'm not that dumb. I'm just bad with directions, etiquette, and...other stuff. I'm still smart though!

"I'm not dumb, okay? ...Since you insulted me, I'm not going to give you any of my cake," I said with a teasing smile.

After a few years passed, Ash slowly gained an addiction to cake.

In order to tame his extreme cravings of cake, I had to give him my cake during dessert time. I refused at first...but then I realized that he might not try to kill me in the future if I gave him some of my desserts.

It's a stupid plan, but it might work.

"W-Wait! I...really want you to continue feeding me cake though..." Ash said with a blush on his face.

Oh yeah...I forgot to mention that Ash always begs me to feed him cake using my own fork and hand. Basically, I have to spoon-feed him just like a baby.

Why can't he just eat the cake on his own?! I think I've spoiled him too much...

"No. You can't always have my cake! You need to learn to eat by yourself!" I scolded him.

"B-but...the cake...is sweeter...it tastes better...I...prefer...when you feed me...that's the only reason...why I want cake..." Ash mumbled under his breath.

"Huh? Did you say something?" I asked him. I couldn't hear what he was saying since he was talking so quietly.

"N-NO! I didn't say anything! Shut up! I don't even need your cake!" Ash yelled at me before leaving me alone.

This guy...really gets on my nerves.

Welp...I guess I'll just try to escape the castle again...Maybe I won't get lost in the forest this time!

But before I could run to the forest again, I was stopped by an annoying prince.

"Lia, where do you think you're going again?" Florence said behind me.

Ugh. For the past year or so, the prince has been calling me by a nickname because he thinks it's "cute." So instead of calling me Cordelia like a normal person, he calls me Lia.

"Uhh...I'm not going to go very far..." I quietly lied.

"Why do you always enjoy escaping? Wouldn't it be better if you just comfortably stayed by my side forever?" Florence said with a smirk as he wrapped his arms around me from behind.

Ugh...not this again...

"Stop it! If you act like this, people are going to get the wrong idea!" I said as I whacked him away.

"What do you mean by that?" Florence said sarcastically.

"You already know that there are a ton of rumors about us! They always talk about how the nine-year-old crown prince is hopelessly in love with his violent fiance!" I yelled at him.

"Aren't the rumors true though?" Florence asked with a smile.

"No, they aren't...and you know that! First of all, I am not violent. I just like to protect my personal space. Second, you aren't hopelessly in love with me! You just like teasing me until I get mad!"

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