I Like It, A Lot Actually.

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I couldn't move any part of my body, and for a wild moment, I thought I was dead.

Then an amazing and familiar lingering woodsy-lavender scent reached my nostrils, kick starting my body into movement.

My eyelids were the first to function. I winced against the bright light, taking several seconds before my eyes were able to adjust.

I was in an empty recovery room. At least that was what it looked and smelt like. It resembled the one I'd been in when I'd been hospitalized, except this one had a masculine hardwood theme. For some odd reason, it reminded me of...

"Shay—" I couldn't finish as a fit of coughs shook my entire body.  My throat felt sore and numb, as though it hadn't been used in a while. And the slow pace of my brain wasn't helping me.

As soon as I tried to locate some function in my limbs, the door to the room swung open, revealing a familiar pink haired woman.

"Oh my God!" She stepped back out the door. "She's awake! Contact Shayne and get Laura right now." Her words were soon followed by what sounded like a stampede.

"What's going on?" I rasped,  trying to get up, but my body couldn't seem to catch up with my brain.

The woman approached my bed with barely disguised joy filling her eyes. "Just relax, honey. My name's Freya and I'm a doctor. I've been taking care of you. You were in a coma, so its going to take some time to get back on your feet." She peeled off the stickers that attached a couple of cables to my both my temples.

"A coma?" Another coughing fit assaulted me causing the woman to rush to my side and slowly lift my back off the bed. As soon as I was able to sit by myself, I was falling right back on the bed. She quickly caught me and let me lie down again.

"Don't worry about it, you'll be back to new in no time. Do you recall anything from before?"

I shook my head against the pillow, urging the tears at the back of my eyes to stay right where they were.

"That's okay too. It'll all come right back," she assured me patiently.

"May I please have some water?"

"Of course. Hold on a second." She left the room.

I took the opportunity to think hard about what was happening. A coma? What could have possibly caused it?

Unfortunately, the only word that was coming to me was 'Shayne'. I didn't know who that was, but my heart seemed to beat faster at the name. It certainly didn't feel anything as dramatic as amnesia,  but my snail-paced brain made it feel like it. 

Freya came back with yet another familiar woman, her white pixie haircut looked stunning on her.

"Hi, Olivia. I'm Laura, how do you feel?"

"I feel fine. It'd be great if I could use my body again though."

She smiled kindly. "All in due time, I promise."

Freya brought forward a glass of water with a straw in it. I drank greedily, causing both women to chuckle fondly.

"Slow down, cowgirl. There's plenty where that came from," Laura said. She went to a couple of monitoring machines I hadn't noticed before, and started to unplug and turn off.

"How long have I been in here?" I asked after drinking my fill.

"Three weeks." She gently pulled out the cannula that was piercing past the skin on the inside of my elbow. I didn't feel a thing. "Sounds like a lot, but we actually expected at least a couple more months." What I humiliatingly discovered to be a catheter was pulled out of my lower proximities.

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