Chapter 35: Signs

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Before I could notice, it's almost been two months since I've found the seed in the storage room. Master Darius' classes were progressing smoothly, and soon I would be able to have a lesson with Master Remi. All three of my master have been especially busy since the beginning of the school year, and I can only assume its because of the upcoming event. Master Darius has barely been able to teach me these past few days, saying he was very busy with his research. 

Although I thought I might be able to get a break from his sparta lessons, he just assigned me more than enough homework to last until I meet him again. Other than the fact the teachers and staff have been more agitated than usual, the school seems to be going on as usual.

I assumed I'd be more scared because the date of the event seemed to have moved up, but I'm strangely calm. 

Too calm. 

As the predicted date of the event gets closer and closer, my mind almost seems to be going emptier and emptier. Sometimes I find myself in a room doing something, and I don't even remember entering that room in the first place. 

Maybe it's just me being paranoid, but I almost feel as though my consciousness as my Liliane is disappearing. As though I'm returning to the Liliane from the original game. I should be scared that that's even a possibility, but something is forcing me to calm down. I can't tell if that's bad or good at this point.

I'm sure Ren has already noticed I'm acting strange. More so these past few days, since every time I see him he has a worried look on his face. Alex and Lucas have similar expressions as well. They say I might have a fever, but the nurse says I'm completely healthy. My complexion has gotten paler and paler by the day, but other than that I'm completely physically healthy. 

But soon enough, Ren seemed to show signs of the same symptoms as well. He was reverting to the 'otome game Ren', the one who isn't in love with Liliane. When we planned to walk back to the dorms together, he had completely forgotten about it and left without telling me. He only realized after he arrived at his dorm. 

The short-term amnesia that was happening to all of us was finally starting to scare me. I worried if I would eventually forget all my memories with Ren, and the second family I've made in this life. Was my consciousness going to completely disappear?

Questions filled my head, and I could not find the answer at all. I felt helpless in the face of the event I had prepared my entire life for. I felt like a fool.


"Students; I have gathered you all here today to discuss an important addition to our curriculum. Starting today, every morning you will have a class drill to evacuate to the saferoom in the basement of the academy. It has come to our attention that the school is under threat of an attack. We do not know the scale as of yet, but it is never wrong to be prepared."

The headmaster was giving a speech in the auditorium, addressing the students about the issue at hand. It was obvious to me that they were well aware of the scale of the danger coming towards us, and probably had an idea of when it was going to happen. I wonder why they won't just send us home. Although I feel like I should feel scared, or worried, or anything at all, but no emotions whatsoever well inside of me. I wonder what's happening.


The days passed on as usual and they felt duller and duller by the second. I wondered why I was feeling this way, but the murky feeling in my head would not allow me to think straight. I no longer walked home with Ren as he walked Clara to her dorm instead. The raging jealousy rising in my heart was frightening, as I felt it pulse through my body. 

I wanted to panic; I wanted to scream my lungs out. But my mind was empty. Only hatred and envy was up there, focused on causing the demise to Clara and Ren. 

I Have Decided to Protect My Fiancé from the HeroineΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα