Bonus Chapter

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We were all at the hospital and I was pacing up and down the hall. I was so nervous. My wife was actually giving birth in there and I had to stay out here.

I wanted to be there.

The boys tried to reassure me and tell me that it will be okay, but I couldn't stand thinnking that she's probably in severe pain and is really struggling and I'm right here doing nothing.

"Nate sit your ass down, you're making me dizzy with all that back and forth" Leo said.

"I can't just sit"

"And where is walking going to help?" Ares questioned.

"You're right I should just go in
there" I said.

Just then I saw her parents coming towards me.

"Is she okay?" Her mother asked.

"She probably is, I mean we would know if she wasn't but she's still in there"

"Don't worry sweetie, she will be okay" Her mother said smiling at me reassuringly.

"Thank you mother"

"I remember when Sandra was giving birth to Rosy, I was really nervous as well, but it will be okay" Her father said.

"I hope so"

"Don't worry, this is her first time so it will be hard but she will make it" Sandra said.

"Yes, I just have to keep thinking that" I chuckled.

"Just think of something positive while you wait, it helped me" Rose's father said.

I sat down and thought of our lives with a baby. The baby was a boy, we already knew that.

I wonder if he will look like me. Will he get my personality? Damn we won't be able to handle that.

"Hey man, are you good?" Leo asked.

"Yeah I just can't-"

That's when someone opened the door. It was a doctor.

"I just want to let you know that she just gave birth, they're both very healthy" He said.

Thank God.


"Oh my God he's so tiny" I cooed stroking his little hands. His hands were like, the size of on of my fingers. He wrapped his little fingers around mine and I felt my heart melt.

We were back home now after a few days and I couldn't stop holding him. I always wanted to see him.

"I can't believe I have a baby boy now" I chuckled.

"I just hope he doesn't take after you I won't be able to handle him" Rosy giggled.

"Hey! You're so mean" I smiled at her, "But completely right"

"He can take your looks though" She said.

I stared at her beautiful face and smiled, "I love you"

"I love you" She said back stroking my cheek.

"And I love you too little guy" I cooed looking at him, "Who would've thought I'm a daddy now. All thanks to you" I told her happily.


"Uncle Nate!" Aiden yelled happily and hugged me, "You won't stop seeing us now that you have a baby, right?" He asked.

"Of course not! Who told you that bull-"

"Nate!" Rosy and Serenity both yelled at me.

"Okay! Jeez, it's not like they won't say it when they grow up"

It's been a few weeks since he was born and we decided to visit the others since they hadn't seen the baby since birth.

Rosy sat on the couch with the baby and Alexander with Aiden gathered around them.

"Do you want to hold him?" He asked them.

"Me first!" Alexander said.

"No! Me!"

Rosy chuckled and gave him to Alexander first.

"What's his name?" Alexander asked.

"Kai" Rosy said.

The boys played with him and Belle. They all seemed to get along really well.

Damn, I can't wait to be the cool dad.


Helloo again! So that was pretty short but I hope you liked it. I think I will be doing a second one, let me know if you want a second one. Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it, byee

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