chapter 7

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            I walked over to my bed and sat down next to Alex. He doesn’t look at me. I sigh. I was about to speak but Alex spoke first.

            “Anna… I” He stops.

            “Alex, it’s okay. You don’t have to force yourself.” He looks at me with an expression I can’t read. “Look, I know what I did made you disgusted with me. I’m sorry but that’s my job. That’s my life.”

            I get up from my bed. I take a few steps but stop and turn my head slightly but not fully seeing Alex.

            “Don’t worry, I won’t touch or even come near you. I know that these hands are dirtied and I don’t blame you for not wanting to be near me. I’ve had others try and force themselves but they shouldn’t. It’s understandable. Who would want to be friends with a monster?” I turn my head in front of me again and walk away.

            Before I can get to the door, I feel arms wrap around my shoulders. I look over slightly and see Alex holding on to me tightly. I reach to one of his hands wrapped around me.

            “Alex.” He flinches and tightens his hold on me.

            “What are you-“

            “I’m not disgusted with you! I never was! I was just shocked that a girl would be brought up into such a terrible world. I didn’t know the world could be so cruel. I hated myself. I lived in luxury all my life and whined about how my father always yelled at me. But you’ve had it worse. You’ve had it so much worse. I’m sorry Anna. I’m so sorry. Please, forgive me.” He says.

            I feel Alex lightly sobbing against my back. I feel my eyes sting but hold back the tears. I turn around to face Alex but he doesn’t let me go. We’re now facing each other while embracing. He has his face down and is still crying. I put my hands on the side of his face and force him to look at me.

            “Alex, you don’t have to punish yourself. It’s ok. Even though this isn’t the life I wanted, I’m still happy. I’m so happy that someone is shedding tears for my sake. Thank you for your kindness.” I say.

            Alex shakes his head.

            “You deserve so much more. I don’t deserve your kindness.” He says.

            “What are you talking about?! You’re such a kind man that even though he was only put into this war by his father, he is also doing this out of the kindness of his heart.” I say.

            Alex doesn’t say anything. I lean up and kiss his cheek. I pull back to see a stunned and blushing Alex. He stares at me for a moment before looking down at our bodies. His face gets redder and it seems that he finally realizes what he was doing. He quickly pulls away and takes a few steps back.

            “S-s-s-sorry. I-I was j-j-just-“

            I smile.

            “Now that’s the Alex I know and love.” I say.

            Alex’s eyes glaze over for a moment before going into shock. His face gets even redder, if that’s even possible, and he has a goofy expression.

            “L-l-l-love?!?” He whispers.

            I laugh and hug him. He tenses up before hugging me back.

            “Yes, love.” I say.

            I look up at Alex as he stares at me. His face gets serious and starts to lean down. I realize too late what he’s about to do and am only inches away from his lips. What do I do? Why are people trying to kiss me today? Just when Alex’s lips are about to touch mine, I hear someone clearing their throat. Alex pulls away quickly while I look behind me to see an uncomfortable Officer Russell.

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