The Cellar (7)

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**Please note Violet is now called Heather from here on, this is because I've only updated the first seven chapters on here***

Chapter 7

Lewis’ POV

It had been nine days since she was taken and I have barely slept; I’ve just pulled over in car parks and napped for an hour or two. Every day I spent the whole time looking for summer. I practically lived in my car, just getting out to search the forest and fields. There was huge media cover now but I guess it was a good thing, it means more people are searching for her and the whole nation is looking out for her. Someone must know something or have seen something.

I arrived back at Summer’s house where we were all meeting for a late dinner before we all go back out. I finally had to give in to everyone’s nagging and take half an hour to eat something, they were right I did need to look after myself a little better, for Summer’s sake.

“Lewis,” Mum said, giving me a hug as I walked through the door. “Honey you need to sleep.” She frowned at the dark circles under my eyes. I looked like shit but I didn’t care.

I walked in the kitchen where Dawn was keeping herself busy, making baked potatoes for everyone. I practically inhaled my food, barely tasting a thing; I didn’t want to waste too much time. “Lewis, you need to sleep. It’s almost nine o’clock, why don’t stay here tonight? You can go out again in the morning when you’re not so tired,” Dawn said as she put another potato on my plate.

“No I need to keep looking,” I replied, shaking my head.

“You can’t look properly if you’re tired. She needs you to be strong, get some proper sleep tonight.” Dawn argued, using Summer to convince me.

I sighed, “Okay fine but as soon as its light I’m going.” She nodded and poured more beans over my almost finished potato. Mum and Dad exchanged a little smile when I agreed to stay here the night, they were really worried about me; it was Summer they should be worried about. Dawn was right though, if I’m really tired I might miss something important.

The conversation was the same; it was all about how we will find Summer. Occasionally someone would say something negative, like a worst case scenario thing, and I’d have to leave the room. She was alive, I knew it. “I’m going to bed,” I announced as soon as I’d finished. If I went to sleep early then I’d wake get up early and could start looking again.

I took a deep breath and walked into her room; I hadn’t been in here in nine days. It still smells like her. Everywhere I looked were pictures of us or things I’d brought her, it made me miss her ten times more. The sunflowers I brought here were slowly dying in the vase on her bedside table. She loved sunflowers and they fitted her personality perfectly, they were like Summer in flower form.

My chest felt like it was tightening; it physically hurt to be away from her, to not know where she is or if she’s okay. I pulled my shirt and jeans off and slipped into bed, her smell surrounding me. I closed my eyes and gripped hold of her pillow as I fell into a restless sleep.

I woke to with the bright sun glaring down on my face. Shit, I overslept, it was almost nine! I threw the cover off and jumped out of bed, quickly pulling my clothes on. How could I sleep so long? Why didn’t anyone wake me? They were all up at six. I ran downstairs to grab an apple or something; there was no time to eat anything substantial.

“Lewis come sit down for breakfast,” Mum said, rubbing Dawn’s back as she sobbed quietly on her shoulder. Before I saw how upset Dawn was I was going to confront them, ask them why they let me sleep that long but she really didn’t need that right now. I shook my head and took an apple and a granola bar. “Lewis you need to have a proper breakfast.”

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