Chapter 18

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Alpha. He's the Alpha. I understand the concept. He's the leader. The man in charge. But what does it entail? I have a million more questions. I stopped walking as soon as he said that. I assume he realizes I want an explanation. "Okay, so I will just briefly explain." He says. "My Dad was the previous Alpha. My Mom is the Luna. When Dad was killed, his first in charge took over the position until I could. He taught me everything I needed to know. His name is Knox. He was little older than Dad. He's very trustworthy and he would risk his life for anyone in our pack."

"So, when did you take over?" "Five years ago, when I turned 18. Normally, I would have been older, but under the circumstances, I did it after I changed into my wolf. He still helps me with things since I work outside of the community. And our pack is so small that I don't need to do as much as some other Alphas. But I still take the position very seriously and the members respect me. I love my family of wolves."

"So, you call your group a pack? I like that. So what things are you responsible for?" "I make sure that everyone is doing okay financially and physically. I also sometimes solve disputes. I take charge of security. I also hold community events. The Luna does a lot too. She makes sure everyone is getting the care they need. She sometimes cooks for everyone. She can also act as a Mom or Grandma to the younger ones. We don't have many though. She helps the newly mated people, kind of like a counselor. And she checks on every one's emotional needs. She cares deeply for the pack. That is the best thing about a Luna."

"And would I one day become the Luna?" I ask nervously. "Yes, you would be. I know that's a huge responsibility. But after getting to know you, I am sure that you are cut out for the job. You even plan to be a psychologist. That's an amazing skill for the Luna to have. I'm so proud of your choices Hope." He tells me. His words make me happy, but I don't know if he's right. Could I really handle all that?

"You don't need to think about all of that yet. It won't happen right away. Mom will teach you what you need to know. She will help you, and so will I." That makes me feel a little better, but not much. "What if I'm just not good at it? You may be giving me too much credit Noah." I tell him honestly. "Hope, I don't think you give yourself enough credit. You have handled this whole thing amazingly well. You are so mature for your age. You are smart and ambitious. You will make the perfect Luna. I know you will." He encourages.

We go back inside the house to see everyone in the kitchen talking and laughing. That's a beautiful sight. I'm so glad Mom has her friend back. "Oh Hope, we really need to go home and talk to Dad. I don't know exactly what I will tell him, but we need to at least start." Mom tells me. "Okay, there are also some things I need to tell you. More revelations." I inform her. "Okay sweetie, maybe we should talk before we tell Dad?" "Yeah, I think so."

We say our goodbyes and sadly I leave the one place I wish I could stay in forever. I know what's coming. The discomfort and headache. But we all agreed that Noah will pick me up in the morning. Mom will be calling the school to tell them that Noah is a long-time family friend and that My parents want him to drive me and watch over me while I'm at school. That should dispel at least some of the rumors if people see us together. I guess Mom is an expert at this. I still need to hear that story. The twins also agree to do everything they can to help keep our relationship on the down low. They are really good friends. I'm thankful for them. I guess they will one day be family. Wow, I basically have already agreed to marry a man I met a week ago. It's so strange, but it feels absolutely right and makes me happier than anything I have ever experienced.

We find Dad on the couch napping with a book on his chest. I love this man who raised me like I was his own flesh and blood. I don't know what I would have done with out him. I hope he can accept these insane things we are going to tell him. But first I have to tell Mom about the werewolf thing. I hope she takes it well. But considering everything else she knows; this won't be the craziest.

Mom and I go up to my room to talk privately. "Mom, what I have to tell you is going to sound far fetched and unbelievable. But I need you to believe me. I saw it myself, with my own eyes." I warn her before I begin. "I will believe you Hope. I know that none of this is normal." "Okay, thank you. You know about the Soul Mates and understand what that means. They are special people with extraordinary abilities. And I am one of them, because I am the daughter of Raiden. He was going to tell you about their people the night he was killed." "I understand." She says.

"The thing he never got to tell you is that Raiden and his people are werewolves." I tell her. She is holding my hand. She looks away from me for a moment. "I, I do remember some strange things that I didn't understand at the time. When your Father and I were dating, and I would have the headaches, I would walk outside in the forest. I once saw a beautiful brown wolf. It was huge. I wasn't afraid. It approached me. I pet him and he sat beside me. I felt so much better. I felt the same tingles go up my arm as when I held hands with Raiden. I laid down on the forest floor and slept. When I woke up, the wolf was still there, curled up next to me. I knew that it wasn't normal, but for some reason, it just felt right. It happened a few more times after that. Whenever I felt sick, I went out and tried to find my wolf."

"It was definitely My Father. Noah transformed for me tonight. It was amazing. I will be able to change too." I tell her. "Really? When?" She askes with a little fear in her tone. "When I turn 18. They are going to help me. I will need some physical training to prepare my body. But it will be fine. I can do this, I know I can." "I believe you Hope. You have always been special. You are my Hope for better things. You can do anything."

"It also seems that Noah is the Alpha of their community. He's the leader." I tell her. "Well, that comes as no surprise. He's a good choice for the position. He's smart and kind. I'm sure he's a great leader. I remember they used to call Noah's Dad that. I always assumed it was some kind of nickname. I didn't realize it was a title." She adds. "And I assume that means you will have some sort of position one day as the Alpha's wife?" she asks. "Yes, they call her the Luna. Delilah has the position right now. I will take over one day. She will teach me what to do." "You will make a wonderful Luna. You are a lot like Delilah. So caring about others. And smart. It's no wonder you are Noah's mate. It was meant to be." She puts her hand on my cheek. She has tears in her eyes. "Mom, are you okay, what's wrong?" I ask. "Nothing sweetie. I just see so much of your Father in you. I denied it for years. But now I can admit it. You look so much like him. And you are a strong young woman. I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you, that means so much to me. I am going to do my best to be what their people need. I hope I don't disappoint them." "You won't. I'm sure of it." She gives me a long hug. "Now we have to tell Dad that you will be dating your teacher. Any ideas how we should do that?" she asks. "Don't ask me, you're the one who did this before, remember?" I teasingly say. "Oh, are you kidding, your grandpa would have killed Raiden. I never told them. They were all the way in California. What they didn't know wouldn't hurt them." She laughs lightly. "You didn't even tell them when you came home pregnant?" "Nope. I told them I met a guy in school, and he died in an accident. That was it. I never spoke about it again." She confesses.

"Okay, we will just have to hope that Dad is more understanding than Grandpa would have been." I suggest. "He is, I'm sure of it. He has proved to be a kind and understanding man over the years. He never even made me tell him about your Father."  "Alright, let's do this." I pull her up by the hand and we go downstairs to freak out my poor Dad.

What do you think of Hopes Mom? I love her. Thanks so much for reading. Please vote if you are enjoying the book.

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