Chapter 5.1 : Wicked Way

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Chapter 5.1 : Wicked Way

The dinner awkwardly ended. On the way home, until they arrived at their house, Ye Sui did not dare to speak to Chen Shu.

Ye Sui’s job the next day was to shoot an advertisement for a sports brand. The building was said to be very shady, thus she shuddered before she arrived.

That building was a common place for many companies to shoot advertisements. Almost any celebrity you could see here.Therefore not only crazy fans surrounds that building, the building also full of various celebrity’s crazy fangirls and fanboys ghosts!

As soon as the car arrived, Ye Sui got out of the car, but didn’t enter the building. She felt the coolness rushed at the soles of her feet that was deadly cold, making her uncomfortable.

Ye Sui, with her assistant Xiao Liu, entered into the building, the front desk of the lounge was sprawled with a crooked head of a crazy fangirl ghost.

The ghost was dressed in the clothes of a minor student that had blood on it. Her head might have been bumped askew, her oblique eyes seemed to be looking at the glow stick in her hand, and the posture like she was cheering.

There were many other ghosts in the hall, including some advertising directors. There was also a star who was quite popular in the past few years, the one who was killed by a lamp when he was shooting an advertisement.

Xiao Liu was stunned, “Wow! Today, there are so many staff members!”

Ye Sui walked ahead with difficulty and didn’t mull over Xiao Liu’s words. After a while, when she came to the photostudio, she felt out of breath.

The stylist was stunned at the first sight of Ye Sui. Is this the model named little Hua Chang Ying who is fresh and pure named Ye Sui?

Ye Sui had no makeup on, her skin was much whiter than the average person, and the simple dress made her more dazzling. Her facial features seemed to be drawn with the finest brush. She made a slight expression, as if blooming, with amazing beauty.

Ye Sui nodded to the stylist and said politely, “Hello.”

“Sit down.” The stylist cooperated with the advertiser’s request and gave Ye Sui a lighter make-up. After putting on makeup, Ye Sui was given a set of clothes.

Ye Sui was tall. The sportswear outlined Ye Sui’s slender waist, and especially her legs, which were long and straight. Ye Sui started to shoot the commercial. She was formerly a celebrity before transmigrating, making advertisements was a simple thing for her.

According to the photographer’s request, she turned her back on them but her face turned to her side and looked at the camera with a smile. The commercial shoot went well and done in short order.

Ye Sui was about to shoot the second commercial, when a person came over. A top celebrity was filming in the next studio and Pei Ning happened to pass by here.

Ye Sui blinked and looked at Pei Ning’s shoulder. Just now a crazy fangirl ghost had come up from behind Pei Ning.

Pei Ning, knew nothing about it. But someone was playing with her hair!

The expression of the fangirl ghost looks furious. She had been hanging around Pei Ning, poking Pei Ning’s head with the glow stick in her hand and her mouth was not idle and scolded her incessantly.

“You loved to stick around to my darling. After becoming popular why did you dump him? If it was like this, why not I kill you … “

From the words of the fan sister ghost, Ye Sui heard that her lover may have had an affair with Pei Ning before. After Pei Ning became popular, she immediately dumped this person.

✅THE FORMER WIFE OF THE WEALTHY INVISIBLE MANOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora