
Ok I've officially hit the reader's block.and I need help from you help your girl out and tell me if you have any book recommendations published or otherwise.
          	Anything is fine but I'd like......
          	Enemies to lovers 
          	Grumpy vs sunshine 


@DownrightObsession I'm assuming you put a skull emoji there


Ok I've officially hit the reader's block.and I need help from you help your girl out and tell me if you have any book recommendations published or otherwise.
          Anything is fine but I'd like......
          Enemies to lovers 
          Grumpy vs sunshine 


@DownrightObsession I'm assuming you put a skull emoji there


Someone asked me what's the best thing that happened to you this week.... I'll tell you what has happened that made my whole year. I saw ARIJIT SINGH live. I was like 7 feet away from him. it was surreal.His voice is mesmerizing.


@rheadeshmukh30 nah that was on the day before 


@TheDarkKnight17 so u saw Shreya rihanna nd Diljit 


Sorry to disturb you, not sure if you are accepting reading requests. If you aren't, please free to delete this message. 
          • •
          It was all too easy until it wasn't. 
          A tale where you throw in a dash of secret contract, a teaspoon of forced marriage pact, heaps of humour and romance and that is how you get a couple who share no commonality, Royally Trapped.
          It's a heartwarming romantic comedy that feels like a cosy blanket on a chilly day. It's sweet & spicy. If you enjoy this genre, I would be grateful if you gave my book a chance.



@_meethi_  I prefer reading completed books cuz I'm an impatient person so I'll wait for it to be completed but I already put it on my reading list


I just read a duology (approx. 770 pages) where the female and male main characters do not confess their love, don't even admit they like each other, like ever in all those pages. They don't even kiss once (not even on the cheek). The male main character sacrifices everything at the end and the female forgets all the memories they had together on the way when she was running to confess her love to him. And that's how it ends, literally. Even the epilogue only says that she is curled up in a ball and feeling miserable but she doesn't know why. The End 


@TheDarkKnight17 Hey! Sorry to bother you but can you please share the name of this book?


@TheDarkKnight17 well I can give some recs if you want. Try
            The Actress' Husband
            Belle Amour*
            School ReYOUnion
            For fantasy I would recommend Hunter: Blood Moon by @ellarose12 which is currently my favourite btw. I love how strong the fmc is in it and that while she falls in love there is still an individual character and plot to the story. 


Found this historic gem recently...


@ParanoidEnigma you can have all the credit you want. Would've pinned the comment if I could.


@TheDarkKnight17  hey atleast give me credits for recommending it to you for the last 2 months 


Hey! Sorry for barging in on your wall like this but I saw your library and thought you might be interested in my work. It's a completed dark romance, with all chapters edited (so if you see any errors, please point them out) called The Cunning, here's a quick synopsis: 
          She's as clever as the Devil and twice as pretty.
          Madison has a secret, and she wants to keep it that way. Her days are short and simple, she works her shifts at the 24-hour convenience store and goes home to feed her neighbours cat. It's peaceful, quiet.
          No one is any the wiser about who she is and what she's capable of. 
          Because if they did, Jase would never have accepted the money to take her. He wouldn't have instructed his boys to follow her home and stake out her house. They wouldn't have tied her wrists and told her to accept her fate.  
          Because if they knew who she was, they would know it meant sealing theirs. 
          When the request for Madison was made, Jase assumed it would be like taking candy from a baby. Instead, he learned the hard way that holding her captive was the worst mistake he could make.
          Madison has fewer tears to cry than most and she doesn't suffer fools gladly, so when the panic stops, the game begins. Being raised by a morally grey man has taught her a thing or two about morally grey men. 
          Jase has a secret and he wants to keep it that way- he let Madison go once before. And she won't let him forget it.
          If it sounds like it's something you'd enjoy, please check it out and thanks for reading my message, have a good day :)


Another rec for y'all.
          The Serpent and the Wings of Night
          (Crowns of Nyaxia #1)
          by Carissa Broadbent (published)
          * Enemies to lovers to again somewhat enemies
          * Competition till death, sorta like hunger games
          * Vampires and gods and magic
          * Plot over romance


I have a recommendation for y'all.
          Deception trilogy by Rina Kent. (Published book)
          * Mafia
          * Mindfuck
          * Forced marriage (sorts of)
          1. Vow of deception (description)
          My husband. My tormentor.
          The most notorious man in the city offers me a job.
          Act as his dead wife.
          Adrian Volkov isn’t the type of person who takes no for an answer.
          He commands with an iron fist and all his orders are met.
          When he approaches me with the offer, I have two options.
          Go to prison or put myself under his wrath.
          I choose to have a roof over my head. What’s so hard about acting, right?
          The moment I step into his wife’s shoes, everything spirals out of control.
          My only way of survival is through Adrian.
          Or is it?


@did_iasktho took me a week to start reading it lmao, you're okay 


found it! but idk if i could read this. my heart is not for dark romance but my brain is pulling me to read it! its actually making me anxious lol! 


@TheDarkKnight17 where can i read it? its not on wp


Hi there, I'm sorry for bothering you.
          I'm writing my first story and I uploaded its first chapter a few days ago!☺️It would really mean a lot to me if you read it and told me your genuine opinion on it, I could really use the help. Thank you so much for your time, I hope you have a nice day♥️♥️