
Please DO NOT post story adverts or read requests on this profile's message board. This area should be kept clear for general help requests and to provide you with Wattys information. Thank you.


          	  This is absurd. You are completely excluding authors who write in Portuguese, Italian, German, etc. We are a minority, but we still exist. IT'S AN ABSURD.


@TheWattys The contest has always been a success as it accepts several languages and incredible authors from all over the world. Now, with just three languages, it will end up dying, unfortunately. Who would want to be interested now? Only authors who write in English, Spanish and Filipino. And who doesn't know how to write in these three languages? He is left out, with a feeling of revolt, because he has been waiting all year to prepare for this competition. I am one of those authors. 
          	  PS: I wrote this in the translation app, which makes it almost impossible to translate an entire book.


@ TheWattys  Oh, sorry.


First of all, hello to all of you. If I ask you for something that is small for you but big for me, can you do it? I need it and I don't know how to spread my books, can you at least help me with this? It may not appeal to your taste, but I think you can give it a chance. Please. To those who can help and those who will, in advance. Thank you.


Hi, I have a question, here. It's not about the Wattys. I'm writing a story about Oliver Wood, but his backstory is completely different from J.K. Rowling's version (also the story is not about Hogwarts, but the real world, so..) and I'm asking if I need to put the story in the fanfiction genre, or if I don't need to?


@danicachains - if you're using a character created by JKR, then yes, that's fanfiction. The fact that you've mentioned Wood in the same sentence as JKR and Hogwarts would imply that you're going to have him look the same, with the same characteristics etc, so yes, that's fanfic. 
            If you're just calling a character Oliver Wood and you're not involving any of the world created by JKR, not basing him at all on the character of Oliver Wood in the Potterverse then that's just a fella called Oliver Wood and is not fanfiction.


i need new readers, who do i get readers who care about my writing not authors who want me to support their work then support theirs and aren't really genuinely reader my book because they want to ?


@official_bluesette - The best way forward in my experience is to find people who write similar stuff to you, read their stuff, leave feedback, build relationships, and utilise the community to help you improve as a writer. To me, it's all about building relationships with other writers. It might be a slower burn, but I'd say it's infinitely more valuable in the long run.


Hello i would like to submit my story for the award, i just started writting.


@CGK_tian @jeonsmaya7 - there's some more information on that in the information in the The Wattys 'story' on this profile. But submissions open on July 15th.


@RoseGardenWriter21 same question I've been asking.