
(Part 2)
          	I’d like to announce that from June 5th, 2024, Be My Muse and The Devil’s Honey will be the first books to leave Wattpad and move to Kindle Unlimited. I will be removing these books from Wattpad on the 3rd. After that, I will continue to remove the others and will keep you updated in advance. As for the sequel to Wicked Games, I hate leaving you on a cliffhanger (ironic), but I do not know when the series will be completed. However, I will start working on it when I have the time.
          	Again, I’d like to thank you all for your support and I hope you will continue to follow me on my journey as an author.
          	If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
          	Lots of Love,


@goldmelanin17 of course sweet ness ❣️


@frostedvampire she said all her works are being moved to kindle! she’s just taking them out slowly!


@goldmelanin17 Congratulations Author, please leave a message when you officially move so I can follow you there


Congratulations on this news babes!! It’s fantastic and, as a fellow writer, is a dream I understand is tough to even achieve in the first place. I’ve followed your writing journey since the beginning and so proud to see how far you’ve come!! And despite being broke af, I’ll still watch from afar as you progress. Can’t wait to see you on the book store shelves one day! <33 ☺️


wait will the books from wattpad be transferred to kindle ? and like … could you maybe send. out a link to ultimatekindle ? i cannot find it anywhere 


@Lailathebarbie hi babe, yes overtime my books will move onto kindle and I will let you know in advance when each book will be leaving. My Kindle profile isn’t live atm but will be on Wednesday. You can download the kindle unlimited app on your device but there is a subscription charge <3


(Part 2)
          I’d like to announce that from June 5th, 2024, Be My Muse and The Devil’s Honey will be the first books to leave Wattpad and move to Kindle Unlimited. I will be removing these books from Wattpad on the 3rd. After that, I will continue to remove the others and will keep you updated in advance. As for the sequel to Wicked Games, I hate leaving you on a cliffhanger (ironic), but I do not know when the series will be completed. However, I will start working on it when I have the time.
          Again, I’d like to thank you all for your support and I hope you will continue to follow me on my journey as an author.
          If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
          Lots of Love,


@goldmelanin17 of course sweet ness ❣️


@frostedvampire she said all her works are being moved to kindle! she’s just taking them out slowly!


@goldmelanin17 Congratulations Author, please leave a message when you officially move so I can follow you there


          Hello, my lovelies,
          I knew that this announcement would come eventually, and I’m sure some of you had a feeling too. It’s been an amazing 7 years writing on Wattpad, and I am deeply thankful for the love and support I have received over this time.
          However, I have decided that Tainted Souls will be the last book I write on the platform.
          This doesn’t mean I will stop writing. My big goal is to become a published author, and I won’t give up on that dream. Over time, my books will become unavailable on Wattpad as I move them to Kindle Unlimited. It was a tough decision, but I really want to progress as a writer, and I feel this is the best direction for me. I hope you can follow me on this new and exciting journey and continue to enjoy my past and future works.
          I wouldn’t be in this position without every single one of you who took the time to give my books a chance, so I thank you with my whole heart. I know many of you have been here since the very beginning. I want to inspire others to write and prove that we can achieve amazing things with our creativity. I will take every character I have created and turn them into something beautiful.
          As of now, I go by authorchantelleblake and no longer goldmelanin17. It’s time for a whole new rebrand as an author, but goldmelanin17 will always be a name I cherish as my first steps into the writing world.


Thank you so much for all your amazing stories 


@goldmelanin17  I have both happy and sad tears rn. But I will follow you anywhere


I’m so happy and excited for you, you’re such a loyal Wattpad writer and your time has finally come. I’ve been here since the beginning IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU. 