
Hey everybody! It’s Jamie. Chapters 1-5 of FINE DINING has been posted again! You can find the rest on my patreon account. (I’ll be posting sometime soon) There’s a lot of new writing content I am pushing out so stay tuned! Updates are on the way! Have a great day and happy reading! 
          	Check out my patreon account:


Hey everybody! It’s Jamie. Chapters 1-5 of FINE DINING has been posted again! You can find the rest on my patreon account. (I’ll be posting sometime soon) There’s a lot of new writing content I am pushing out so stay tuned! Updates are on the way! Have a great day and happy reading! 
          Check out my patreon account:


hey everybody! i will be taking down FINE DINING on march 1st @ midnight. i only left it up for the month of february. i will be publishing it soon so don’t worry. happy reading and black history month! 


hey you! yes, YOU. the smut obsessed one always dreaming about how you can make your book boyfriend/girlfriend/bae real. are you a writer? do you want to write? have you always wanted to know how to write smut? well, good for you because i just started a new writing series on patreon just how to do that called WRITING SMUT 101. it’s how process and the details of how i write spicy scenes. i also will be analyzing my previous written love scenes. 
          check out my patreon account for exclusive writing tips, short stories, and more:


UPDATE: come november 20th, IF I COULD PAINT OUR LOVE will no longer be on wattpad.
          it's sad I know.
          but luckily, it will debut in the spring of 2024 as the first book of the LOVE IN LA SERIES.
          as for FINE DINING, it has been submitted into the wattys awards so depending on the results on December 1st, i will let you know what happens.
          i will be giving exclusive content on PATRON where you can have early access to writing tips, short stories, and snippets on my soon to be published novels.
          PATREON LINK: https://t.co/P85w27tBRB
          i'm looking forward to writing a course called SMUT 101 where i share my process on creating spicy scenes.
          it's going to be a lot of fun. giving my think pieces on different romance tropes and booktok/book twitter/bookstagram drama. reviews on book to film adaptations.
          it's gonna be real chill and fun.
          until next time.
          xoxo, jamie <3