Chapter Twenty Six

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                     R O S A B E L L E

"Belle, please think about it again." Lou pleaded and I signed before moving my gaze away from the window and turning towards her.

"Lou you know why I'm doing it." I sat down beside her and he grabbed both my hands. "Do you think I really want this?"

"Belle, if you tell Nick, he'll do everything to protect you and your child. But if you don't and he finds out you'll never see your child again. Remember the contract clearly says if you get pregnant, Nick will get the full custody of the child." She said as she kneel down beside me.

"I'll take care of this Arabelle, just go back to Nick, Belle." She tired convincing me but I already made my mind.

"Arabelle and I grew up together Lou. She won't stop until she gets what she want and she'll do anything." I explained as I stood up. This is so frustrating.

"Belle, incase you might have forgotten. Your husband is the Russian Don. The child your carrying is the heir to the Russian mafia and Arabelle isn't that stupid to mess with the Mafia." She said and placed her hand on my shoulder before squeezing it.

"And that's the main reason why I'm divorcing him." I reasoned. "I don't want my child to grow up in a violent environment Lou."

She let out a heavy sigh before opening her mouth and closing it again. She just went and picked up her back before walking towards the door.

"Where are you going." I frowned at her back.

She turn her head back. "Leaving you alone to think properly Belle. Because, you are out of your mind. What your doing is totally wrong. You are being selfish. How can you separate a father from his child and a husband from his wife?"

"You are not divorcing him because you are afraid or Arabelle or the Mafia. You are doing this because you are afraid Nick will leave you and return to that brainless stupid bitch which he could never. You are so blinded by jealousy that you see only yourself."

"No." I mumbled.

She chuckled at me. "No? Then look in the mirror and ask yourself why you are doing this to yourself. Why you are separating a father from his child. Then call me." She said before storming off.

As soon as she left a maid ran inside. "Ma'am there is a visitor waiting for you in the main hall." She said and I frowned.

"Who is it?" I enquired.

"She addressed herself as Mrs Ivanov." She replied and I frowned. So, he send his mother. Did he thought sending his mother will make me change my decision?

"OK. Prepare tea and bring it in the garden. We'll be there." I ordered and she nodded before walking out and I followed close behind before walking towards the main hall.

As soon as I walked in, I was welcomed by the last person I wanted to see. "Why the fuck are you here." I spat at her and she just shot me her infamous smirk before walking towards me.

"Oh, sister, I thought you missed me. But looks like you didn't." She said with a pout and I scoffed at her. I just wanted to bash her up and kick her out of my house.

"Anyway forget about that. I just came here to tell you that, Nick and I are going to get married. See." She showed me her ring and I narrowed my eyes at it. It. . .  was exactly like mine except the diamond was a bit bigger than mine other wise the design was same.

"So?" I asked trying to act unaffected by the fact that Nick lied to me. I knew it. It was always her. Now, who the fuck will tell Lou this because she thinks I'm being selfish separating a father from his child. A man who got engaged with other woman even before divorcing his first wife.

"I just wanted to invite you, you know as I promised you before. I want you to be my bride's mate." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Oh. How thoughtful of you. I'm so honoured to receive the invitation from the bride herself." I said sarcastically and in a dramatic way. "But I can't attend it. As you know, I'm a very busy woman. I have alot of works to do."

She just smirked at me. "Oh yeah. I get it. It must be really hard for you to manage alone. It's Ok I won't mind."

"Now, if you are done with your bullshits, please get the fuck out of my house. I have hoes allergic and you standing under my roof and in the same room as me isn't helping it." I shot her a fake smile and she glared at me.

She took a step closer and I balled my hands into a tight fist ready to punch the fuck out of her if she try anything.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you the main thing." She said as she lean in ridiculously close to my face with her nose almost touching mine. "Don't even try to come anywhere near Nick again or i'll rip you apart."

I scoffed at her and she stood a step back.

"Remember now you have a life growing inside you." She smirked at me evily. "If you try to take my Nick away from me, I will kill your bastard child and you."

That's it.

I threw a punch at her and she fell down on the floor. I grabbed her hair pulled her head back making her look at me. "Stay the fuck away from me and my baby or I'll break all your bones and ruin your stupid face." I said and let go of her hair before turning back and walking towards the door.

"Annoying bitch." I murmured loud enought for her to hear it.

I was about to reach the door when something hard hit on my head knocking me down. My vision started to blur as I watch Arabelle throw the vase away and run out and that was the last thing I saw before blacking out.

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