Chapter Sixty Three: Alone

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"Leo please, I know you don't believe I am being genuine but I am! I had a talk with your father and-"

"Oh so that's the reason you're here? Because dad tried to step in and play mediator. You know he's the devil right? He doesn't exactly have the best intentions. But noooo, you wouldn't have thought about that would you? Because Raven is too high and mighty to truly care what people's intentions really are."

"Leo there's no need for sarcasm, you of all people should know that people can change."

"Yeah I do know, I've seen it happen countless times. I've seen angels fall from heaven and work under me, I've seen demons decide to be good for a change. I've seen it all Raven! But I have never seen you change. You've always been the same reaper deep down, cold and heartless. You know, I used to think you and your mother had nothing in common, but I did find one little similarity to prove you were every bit of a mommy's girl. You use people just like she did. You've never been my friend, you used Ally for your own gain. You're just as sick and twisted as Crowe."

Ally gasped as I stood there frozen. I despise anything to do with that woman, yes she did sacrifice herself for me, but that didn't make her a good person in the end. She used my father and tried to use Blake and I. She was a cruel being, and I have never wanted anything to do with her. And above all else, Leo knew that being compared to her is the worst thing imaginable for me. I wonder, is that why he did it? Did he really aim to hurt me that badly?

"You don't mean that Leo." Ally says, looking at me with sympathy.

Why on Earth is she looking at me like that anyway? I don't need sympathy, certainly not from her! She's got the Prince of hell at her beck and call, she doesn't need my stupid apology. She can raise that thing growing inside of her for all I care, I don't want anything to do with her anymore. She ruined my life, and she has the audacity to look at me like that? As if she cared?

"I AM NOT MY MOTHER." I say, gritting my teeth in Leo's direction. He looks at me with that same damn grin he pulls whenever he thinks he's right.

"You sure about that Raven?" He says with a cocked eyebrow. My blood begins to boil.

"That woman abandoned me my whole life, betrayed my father and my brother and you have the audacity to accuse me of being similar to that witch."

"Let's break it down, shall we? Crowe abandoned you, you were more than willing to abandon Ally at one point in time. You wanted nothing to do with her, you found her a pest. Crowe betrayed your family? Well what did you just do Raven. You betrayed Ally and me. You betrayed our friendship. There's some similarities for you."

"Listen guys this is starting to get out of control. Why don't we just leave the conversation here and talk about it another time. We're all upset right now after all" Ally pipes up.

I look at her and all I see is rage. She's trying to show Leo she's better than me. She's trying to show him she's above me. She's the one being all high and mighty, all holier than thou. I can't believe I once saw her as a friend. I hate her. But then my gaze turns to Leo, my oldest friend. Were we even friends? Or were we just pushed together by our fathers. Because now I am seeing him in a new light, all our years of friendship is thrown away just for this pathetic girl. She's nothing compared to us. She may be descended from angel gods but that's it.

"You both want me to become the villain don't you? Just so you can have someone to blame. I tried to be better, I think I even did a little. I got my heart broken, I lost my powers I even challenged a vampire king all because of her! And now you two have the gall to stand in front of me and blame me just because I was thinking for the greater good for the first time in my life. I'm going to be the goddess of the underworld. I'm going to be the ruler of the dead. Keep your abomination for all I care, let it fester inside you. One day you will see, one day you will all see. That all along, I was right to be wary of the thing growing inside of you. But if your refuse to at least trust me that I was trying to do the right thing, then maybe you were never my friends at all. After all, friends never doubt each other. I hope you have a happy life Ally, truly I do. Well, as happy as it can be."

"And what's that supposed to mean Raven?" Leo grits out.

"Well, since I no longer care for her, why should I continue on this pathetic war? Endanger thousands of lives just for her sake? No. I don't think so. Since I'll be calling off the war and since there's a chance that child belongs to a certain vampire king, I will be withdrawing any protection I provided. But you don't need me, right Ally? You never did. Not with that hell hound wrapped around your little finger."

"Are you going to tell him where I am?" Ally stumbles.

"Goodness no, it has nothing to do with me. All I shall say to him is that my interests are now elsewhere and to consider our little declaration over. I'm sure he will be more than happy that his biggest threat will be stepping out of the way."

"Raven you can't be serious, what you were going to do to that child was monstrous, but what your proposing here is just-"

"Diabolical?" I cut Leo off. They both stand there, gawping at me.

"Perhaps you were right Leonardo. Perhaps I haven't changed, I just needed a wake up call. And believe me. My eyes are wide open now."

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