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Chapter 52

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"Is that everyone?" Nina asked, looking around the street.

"As far as I can tell," Daniel replied.

She sighed in relief. As she turned to face Logan and the leader who had finally come closer, she said, "Thank you for helping us find these people and for letting us in. Everyone inside is clear. I still recommend wearing masks until this wave is over, just to be on the safe side."

"Thank you for helping them," Logan said. The sincerity in his voice matched his scent.

"Thank you for helping," the leader echoed, wearing a sour expression. He was still upset Logan had let strangers in and led them around like he was in charge.

Over half the people in the Stronghold lingered nearby, still whispering amongst themselves as if this had been the most exciting and hopeful thing they'd seen in months. As if I have any room to talk. I don't exactly live an exciting life. Then again, I'd prefer a much quieter one than what I've been getting lately.

Logan accompanied us to the gate. "I assume you're traveling to other Strongholds?"

"Yes," Nina replied. "We want to visit as many as we can before the wave is over."

"Then you're heading back to Ironwind?"

"Yes, although it may take us a week or so before we get back."

He nodded thoughtfully. "May I join you? I've been planning to leave this place for a while, but they haven't been letting travelers in."

Wait, what? Where did this come from? Did Nicky write the words "stray magnet" on the back of my shirt when I wasn't looking? This cannot be happening...

Nina smiled. "Certainly. We'll be happy for the company."

Apparently, it was happening... Yeah, let's find a total stranger and just invite him along on a week-long trip when we only have one truck. What a great plan! I felt like shrieking my annoyance at the sky. As if the lack of sleep wasn't enough to make me grouchy, someone else was joining our group.

Nicky noticed my crabby expression and grinned at Logan. "This could be fun. Just give Trinity plenty of space until your presence grows on her like a bad fungus."

He gave her an odd look as she climbed into the back of the truck. With a slight shrug, he followed suit and – thankfully – picked the corner farthest from the one I usually sat in.

He had seen us arrive, so his decision was almost certainly intentional. Since he already had his backpack with him, he must have been hoping to leave this place before realizing exactly which group was approaching.

I got in and resigned myself to having to tolerate another newcomer. This was reminding me more and more of our original trip to Ironwind Stronghold.

Completely frustrating.

Daniel started the truck and continued down the road. Logan looked too relaxed for someone who knew he was traveling with not just one, but two zombies. Now that we were out of the Stronghold, we took off our masks, and Logan removed his without any hesitation on his part.

Nina turned sideways to look out the back window. "If you don't mind me asking, how do you know Trinity?"

Logan scratched the back of his neck self-consciously. "We met once."

Nina tilted her head at his vague words and apparent reluctance to answer her question. She sent me a questioning look.

"Remember the bear traps I brought in one morning?" I asked her. "Well, he was the one responsible for setting them up."

The Virus Within: Third Wave (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now