Chapter 18

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"It was dumb," Alexander muttered, gaze shifting to the side.

Toren could hear the heavy breath as Michael exhaled. "Don't beat yourself up over it," He said. "Those people would've forced their way in even if you hadn't. There's no use mulling over what should've been done." Michael combed his fingers through Toren's hair. "You're both tired. You've already given your statements, you should rest now."

Someone cleared their throat and they all turned to see Nick approaching them.

"Alpha Miller," Alexander greeted.

Nick sighed and stopped a few paces away. "Neither of you are going to like this, but with everything that's been going on, this is the safest route." He fixed his attention on Toren. "I've taken the authority on this situation, and if you're willing to go along with it, I'd be pleased. You'll be assigned a bodyguard at all times, until the perpetrators are found. And you're going to move in with Pops for a bit, since they know where you live. I assure you, he can provide the safest environment for you. I've already talked with him about it and he has whole heartedly agreed. What do you say?"

Nick had to know what he was doing to be an Alpha. He'd clearly spent some time thinking things over and he knew his people better than Toren did.
He didn't hesitate on agreeing, knowing the man knew what he was doing.

"I'd like to be assigned his bodyguard." Michael spoke in haste.

"Declined," Nick returned, just as quickly as though he'd expected as much from the bear. Then he went on to explain. "You're sharp and one of the best, but considering that you look to Toren as a prospective mate, it could muddle your senses. If you want him safe, you will allow someone else to keep a watch over him. Someone that wouldn't be distracted."

He could hear the breath leave the bear's lungs as he heaved a heavy sigh.

Alexander looked slightly disgruntled, as though he'd been about to offer his own services, despite nearly getting killed along with Toren not long ago.

"I'm going to assign Kane and Wesley, any complaints?" Nick asked, when he got no response, he nodded. "Good. Wesley, you stay with him and switch off with Kane. You two figure out how you're going to do it."

Toren blinked before realizing the Alpha was talking to the officer who'd been standing in the background, waiting awkwardly through everything.
He was a wolf. The wolf of the duo who found them. He was somewhere in his early thirties and fit. He had to be. He was good looking, by most people's standards, with this roughish charm and rough, but fiery appearance beneath all the training and manners. He gave Toren a grin, flashing his canines.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you."

Toren returned with a nod. "Thank you."

Michael's arms moved Toren, blocking him from Wesley's view. This caused Alexander to laugh, which was cut off with a hiss of pain. "Wes has a mate, calm down."

Then a thought struck him. He was supposed to work in a few hours.
He untangled himself from Michael's arms and fished his phone from his pocket. He cringed at the smeared blood across the screen, wrinkling his nose as the metallic smell filled his lungs and mouth. It reminded him of what had happened. Seeing Alexander injured like that had scared him more than he would like to admit. It was as if the sight tickled something in the back of his mind. He could just hear the static as he tried to process it. Why did it feel like he'd seen something similar before?
He shook his head and found Pop's contact.

"I'm sure he'll let you have at least one more day off," Michael rumbled from behind him.

"Are you spying on me?" Toren arched a brow and Michael averted his eyes as though he'd been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

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