Chapter Two: They Begin the Journey

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The next day started as it normally did, with squeaking demands for cat food. Jack blinked over at Oliver in confusion as she sat pointedly by her food bowl.

"And what do you want?"


He shook his head and thumped it back into the pillow. "Oh alright then."


"Yes, yes, I'm getting up."

She sneezed in satisfaction and began licking her paw.

Jack fed the cat, and himself, before rushing out of the house, late as usual. In contrast to his hectic morning, work that day was very quiet. Just some papers to file and a stolen car to find. It had simply rolled off into the woods, so that wasn't very difficult.

It was the sort of day where one's mind wanders, and Jack's mind was venturing down a well worn path of, "Am I doing the right thing?"

The idea of staying with someone for two days was both terrifying and lovely, and Jack was in a complete state by the time the afternoon rolled around.

As usual, Inspector Adams noticed his distress.


"Hmm?" Jack replied, looking up at him from behind a stack of papers.

"Is everything alright?"

"Oh it's fine Inspector."

"Right. There's nothing you're worried about?"

"Um... I guess I am concerned about going on a trip with Till and Wild this weekend. I'm worried I'll be a bit... awkward."

"Aw yes, they invited me to that nonsense."

"It's not nonsense sir, it's fantastic." Till said, poking her head around the corner and making Jack jump.

"And don't worry Jack, we know you're awkward. It's part of your charm." She grinned and disappeared  to go battle a stack of documents. Jack gave her a strained smile back and looked up at Adams fearfully.

Inspector Adams chuckled before considering him thoughtfully. It was remarkable really, how much Jack looked like Nathan.

He sighed, a familiar pain in his chest resurfacing. How to best remedy the situation? Jack was a kind boy, with a good head on his shoulders. It was best to tell him the truth.

"Thorn, would you mind stepping into my office?"

Jack shook his head and followed the inspector, rather nervously.

Adams closed the door behind them with a click. "To keep this away from Till's ears. It's something rather... confidential."

"Yes sir." Jack responded, somewhat apprehensively.

Adams sighed and adjusted his collar, feeling rather unsure as to how to continue. "I have warned you about Wild."

Jack closed his eyes for a few seconds longer than a blink, either praying for patience or disguising an eye-roll.

"Yes Inspector."

"Well, I did it for the reasons I mentioned last time, but there was a another one. Wild is... now this stays between us, you understand?"

"Yes Sir?"

"Very well. Let's just say that Wild has a um, definite streak of lavender in him. If you know what I mean."

Jack simply looked at him.

"No? Jack, he's a homosexual."


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