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I lock the door silently as the gazes stay on me, making me too self-conscious.

Like the weird person I am, I silently walk to my room leaving the guest confused by my behavior. I sigh once in my own company. Anywhere elders gather and I am part of it, it is never good. Did Rome tell them about our kiss and what didn't happen?

That does not look like his nature, Mason, yes. I am surprised he hasn't called my mother and told her how much I am a disappointment.

"Athena?" I hear a soft knock on the door. "Are you alright?" The warm voice seems genuinely concerned.

I clear my voice and answer, "I will be out in a minute." I quickly change from my clothes into the comfortable dress I wear around the house as I hear footsteps fade away.

They probably think I am rude and inhospitable. I show up late dressed skimpy and don't greet them instead rush to my room.

I hate meeting new people, the uncertainty and discomfort are too much.  I breathe and decide to sod it!  what is to be let it be. Furthermore, on my first meeting with Mason's family, I was at my best and they still disliked me. I am not married to Rome, I have no business pleasing them.

I step out and find them around the dining table, the seats are only four, and one of the girls is seated on a plastic chair while the remaining dining seat is left empty for me. I sit between her and Rome.

Tension settles between us and I avoid looking at the people around us. I don't know if they can tell if something happened that should not have happened between me and Rome. The awkwardness is too noticeable to be missed. To make matters worse, I don't know why his family is here, that is not how I grew up, family doesn't just visit you for the pleasure of it unless it is for misery.

"Are you feeling alright now, darling?" His mother asks.

My eyes look around I find Rome glaring at me. He looks disappointed as he takes in my appearance. I decide not to think too much about his reaction. The more I do, the more it drives me insane.

I return my gaze at her, "I am. Thank you." I state and I hear Rome shift in his seat. Being near him this close since that kiss has my nerves up. I close my eyes trying to erase that memory. It meant nothing to him, it should probably mean nothing to me too.

I nervously look around the table and its occupants. My eyes meet one of the girls as she assesses me.

"I am Vicky, the eldest of the two and this is Mira our second born." The girl beside me points at the girl on her left. Mira nods as she piles food on her plate.

She looks more like Rome, with dark hair and thick brows.

I watch as she tastes the meatloaf Sienna brought.

"Ugh!..." She gags, "...This tastes like it should be sold in a hardware."  She blandly states after the first taste.

"Mira!" Vicky warns turning to peer at her.

"Have you tasted it?" She turns to her sister shoving a spoonful into her mouth.

I turn my focus back to my empty plate to hide my laughter as Vicky struggles to chew the food pretending to enjoy it. Probably thinking I made it and has to pretend to like it to please me.

When I look up again I find Rome staring at me and my face turns serious. He narrows his brows at my sudden change of attitude.

"Did Rome tell you we were coming?" His mother asks.

"It has been a busy week, he probably forgot," I say. Indeed it has been a busy week with playing tom and Jerry.

"But now that we are here, I am glad to see you are both doing fine. "

I nod in acknowledgment avoiding any eye contact with Rome.

I am relieved that their presence is not because of anything bad but just being the caring parents they are. Rome must be lucky to have such a support system.

The dinner goes well as Mira tells me about Rome's childhood and how at one time he glued his eyes thinking it was eye drops. Although I get the feeling she is the mischievous one and might have been the one that switched it.

As time goes on and I relax around his family, I note all the personalities I might have missed, Mira is more of a tomboy with a loud personality and carefree attitude, and Vicky, the eldest, is authoritative and seems like the bridge between the parents and her siblings. Their father is soft-spoken but assertive as he allows his wife to talk. Being around them feels like a family cut out of a sitcom and I am that dysfunctional character that is always around them.

"Does Rome treat you right?" His mother walks behind me as I clean the dishes we just used.

I nod afraid if I speak I may out ourselves.

"That's good..." She trails off as if she has more to say but can't find the words. She pushes a grey strand of her hair back and leans closer to the sink. She is a beautiful woman and bares more resemblance to Vicky.

I continue to rinse the plate, Rome has a dishwasher but I prefer to do it myself. It stops my mind from racing. Work has always been my coping mechanism.

"You don't have to feel compelled to stay in an unhealthy marriage." She finally says.

I look up at her briefly and stare back at the water running through the plate.

"You should never feel like it was your fault. I still see the hurt in your eyes, like the first time I saw you." She adds.

unpleasant memories of how it felt as Mason cheated over and over intensify. When even in the pitch of the darkness; the world seemed darker. Even on the hottest of summer nights, you feel a cold shiver run down your spine. It is one of the worst feelings ever.

"If you are ready, I can now drive you to the hotel." Rome walks up to us.

"What's wrong?" He asks when he sees my watery eyes.

"Nothing, I got soap in my eyes."  He looks between me and his mother and says nothing as he walks back to his father.

His mother hugs me reminding me that I am not alone. It is awkward and strange to me. Parents are not your friends, that is what I was reminded of as a kid.

Rome finally returns and he finds me watching one of my true crime shows.

He places a pizza box on the table.

"You did not eat." He says. I am surprised that he noticed despite trying to make it subtle. The food was too oily and I knew that it would cause me stomach problems later I have a feeling even the Pizza. My stomach is fragile.

He walks over to where I am and he holds a weird expression toward me.

"Don't overthink." He cautions and gives me no room to as I feel his lips on mine.

Chapter 16 will be available at Inkitt.

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Book: Wife Swap

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