33. Epic Love Story

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My stomach had twisted itself into the biggest knot when I got to school later that day. I couldn't even stomach the coffee I got when Liah picked me up. The notification that someone had visited my site link came and I waited patiently to see if Corey would message or call, but nothing.

I worked hard setting the web page up, adding pictures and the perfect song. Buying a domain and hosting was expensive, so I kinda "hacked" into Liselle's shop website and made a page only visible if you had a direct link, which I left in my card for Corey.

Why hadn't he said anything?

"Maybe he wants to say it in person?" Liah said when I told her about it.

That idea went out the window when I realized Corey wasn't at school. He wasn't in any of his classes, I couldn't find him during lunch. Either something was wrong or my apology was too much and he fled the country.

In a moment of weakness, I messaged my brother to ask if he knew anything.

Just go to the address, he replied back.

And never text me about Corey again

Unless he's injured and on his deathbed

I guessed us being together was still weird for him. But if he wasn't worried about Corey skipping school, I shouldn't have been.

Unfortunately, patience wasn't my strong suit. The closer it got to three-thirty, the more anxious I got. Anticipation would be the death of me. When the last bell of the day rang, it took a lot in me not to mow people down as I made like a bat out of hell through the school entrance.

"Go get your man, Ari!" Liah called out when she saw me crossing the parking lot. I didn't have time to be embarrassed by the stares I got after that. But I'd handle her later.

I had a little over an hour to change into something that didn't smell like school. My closet was practically bare by the time I settled on an outfit, everything else discarded in a pile on my floor.

Mom was back from work at three and I grabbed her car keys before she was fully in the house. "Tell Corey I said hi."

I skid to a halt on the porch. What? Did Gray tell her? "You know already?"

She chuckled. "Look, I might not be one of those moms constantly in your business, but I do notice things. Like that kiss in the driveway a few weeks ago."

She saw that? "You didn't say anything."

"I figured you'd tell me about it in your own time," she said. "At least I thought you would."

"Sorry. It's been...complicated." That was an understatement. "But when I get back, chili cheese fries and tv?"

"I'm holding you to that." She smiled and I ran over to hug her for being so understanding. I held her for a second before she shooed me away. "Don't you have somewhere to be?"

I checked my phone, three-fifteen. I'd make it in time if the traffic wasn't too bad.

● ● ●

When I saw the address written in the card, I immediately knew it was the beach. After putting in the exact address in my phone for directions, it brought me to a specific shop on the boardwalk. The ice cream shop stood before me, a line of people at the order window, even in the middle of December. However, none of those people were Corey. Why did he want me there?

I pulled out my phone, ready to send Corey a text, when someone called my name. It was a short girl with brown skin and a curly bob. I'd never seen her in my life, but her apron meant she worked at the ice cream shop.

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