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Rue had stalked Angie through her social media account. The woman put everything in her life there. It was like she was saying, 'I got a fabulous life, suck on that!'.

If Rue could just catch anything, she could use it against Angie and prove to Mr. Fox that Angie wasn't the right woman for him. She stood outside the coffee shop where Angie's book club met. She had shared the location on her Facebook page.

After hours of siting outside the café she saw Angie walk out with the other women. She knew most of them since they were the suburbs' wives. They enjoyed gossiping and showing off who had a better life. Rue's mother had once tried to join their social club, but she was immediately turned down.

Angie said goodbye to the other women and began driving, which Rue took as her cue to follow her. Rue drove a 1970 Mercury Cougar that her father had purchased for her before the family went bankrupt. She liked it because it was unique, and that is why she needed to keep a safe distance between herself and Angie.

When Rue opened one of her compartments to see if her spare phone was still there, she discovered a white powder sealed and hidden there, which irritated her and caused her to pick up her phone. She was aware that the stash belonged to her brother. He was the only one who had driven her car the day before.

She sent her brother a long text cussing him for putting drugs in her car and a threat she would throw them away. She stopped at the Country club and stepped out to follow Angie. Getting was easy since Mr. Fox had included her in his membership.

Angie stooped at the lockers that led to the sauna and Rue hid behind one of the lockers as a woman walked up to Angie. Rue couldn't see the woman's face clearly and to be able to see her she would be risking them knowing she was in the room.

"Did you find anything?" The woman asked Angie.

"I looked around. i couldn't find anything. That man is careful." Angie replied and curiosity was spiked in Rue if they were talking about Mr. Fox. Whatever it was interested Rue and just ached to know what Angie hid.

"Even the best slip at some point." The woman said.

"I will keep looking. We must expose him." Angie answered.

"Keep looking and call me when you find something." The woman instructed Angie before they parted.

Don't wait up, i will be late.

The note on the fridge was a clear indication that Mr. Fox was avoiding Rue. It was the first time that he had told her not to wait up no matter how late he would be.

"Rue, Sasha is biting me." Sarah ran to Rue in the kitchen.

"Sarah, no biting your sister!" She shouted and she knew that Sarah would come over with her own complain about Sasha. The sisters loved each other dearly but when they had no one to bully they bullied each other.

I finished making some sandwich and took the plate to the living room where Sarah was doing her homework.

"Are you done?" She asked.

Sarah nodded as she put her books away. The girls ate the sandwiches arguing and laughing like they weren't on each other's neck few minutes ago. Once done she asked them to prepare for bed since she intended to leave early. She would give Mr. Fox the space he needed as she found more data to expose Angie. Maybe once he was free again he would consider her words.

When she was done putting the twins to bed. She made sure the security alarm was set and left for her house. To her surprise she found her elder brother, Eli, waiting for her.

"Where is it?" He asked.

She knew he meant the stash she had found in her car and had thrown it. She knew that there would be dire repercussion but it was better that dealing with him when high.

"What?" She asked feigning confusion.

"Don't play with me." He warned her.

"I threw it." She responded, tired to play mind game with him.

He flew to her face fuming in rage. Eli was mama's boy, their mother had enabled him to get away with anything. He had no sense of responsibility and in the end it was Rue who would always be expected to shoulder his mistakes. Boys are just kids, they never grow up. Their mother would say every time Eli did anything.

Eli grabbed her arms bringing his face close to hers, "Where is it?" He asked.

She smirked at him, "I..." She was cut off when she felt a sharp pain on her nose and a force that pushed back. Her hand automatically covered her nose and felt the blood that was coming out. Her brother had head butted her!

Chapter 14 is now available at inkitt.

username: ivybrown179

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