Chapter 54

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"Yes, Victor. I'm dying to know just how you were caught. By Devon, a second rate bandit no less," Mother said, slightly disappointed.

"Ah... Yes... Well... Like you said, Devon is just a second rate bandit, so I never expected him to have anything of such high quality... But I was wrong," Father sighed.

"The chains were very strong, stronger than the ones in the Fantasian palace," I nodded in agreement.

"... I'm not going to ask how exactly you know that, but it seems that Slade is throwing everything Bellatrix has worked for off balance," Mother scowled.

"By making things that were hard to get, accessible... It's becoming too accessible to the wrong people," Father continued.

"And that's why Slade is the richest kingdom out of all five," I laughed.

"Right, Snowflake. When you meet the king of Slade, do not be fooled by his first impression," Father warned as I nodded.

"Understood, father,"


After a small nap we were already entering Slade territory.

And I was shocked.

Out the window... Were those... Neon lights?

The sun had set before I woke up but these bright neon lights lit the streets better than the sun could.

It was bursting with life, neon signs for bars, taverns, and brothels shone bright.

There were street carts full of steam and a deliciously spicy aroma entered our carriage.

It reminded me of japan, the neon lights, the scent, the red lanterns, and the fact that people were busy and full of vigor, calling for customers.

"This place is so... Strange," I said offhandedly.

"Filter what you see, Snowflake. Pay no mind to the so called 'entertainment'" Father scowled.

There were plenty of brothels, casinos, bars and such, so I understand why my father wouldn't want me, a 13 year old young lady to come to such a place...

The girls in front of the brothels wore kimonos in the most provocative way.

Off shouldered, brightly colored kimonos with a slit near the thigh, some wearing feathered boas.

"Their fashion is quite similar to Mother's," I giggled.

"How could you say that, sweetheart? I wear kimonos but not like that!" Mother defended.

So they call it a kimono here as well...

"You have a point, mother,"

The carriage suddenly stopped.

"What now?" Father sighed.

"My apologies, your highnesses. There seems to be a commotion out on the street," Barry apologized.

"It's alright, Barry, we can wait," my father said gently.

I opened the door slightly in curiosity, and saw a woman on the ground. She seemed to be begging the man in front of her for something.

Father quickly closed the door and scolded me.

"You are a royal from a different kingdom, Snow. Do not stick your nose in the problems of the common people of this place," he said harshly.

"Since when did we start using the term 'common people'," I asked, offended.

"Since we entered Slade. These aren't our people to protect, and they don't see us as the regents that provide for them," Mother added.

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