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Georgia Angelique Hightower | 47 | 12:22 pm

"Chris, tell that girl to get that holling ass baby." Georgia fussed at her brother whose one year old daughter was screaming at the top of her lungs. Her youngest niece, Ramira, a crybaby for real.

"Nick!" He yelled out the door. "What!" A female voice yelled back as she was coming to the door.

"Get the baby, she crying. She probably hungry." He opened the door for Nikki as she came into the house and went to the back where the crying baby was.

"Aunt G, can I go outside with Riley and Kenzie?" Jasmine ran up on the oppisite side of the counter.

"Ion care, just don't go down that street." Jasmine's aunt spoke as she was draining the neckbones.

"Whyy?" Jasmine whined.

"Jasamina you heard me, either stay in front of the yard or don't go at all." Her aunt looked up at her using the nickname she had gave her since she was born.

"Okay." Jasmine grumbled as she went out a door with a mug on her face. "And fix yo face!"

Georgia shook her head at how the family gathering was starting as her oldest neice came into the kitchen and leaned againstthe refrigerator.

"What's wrong with you?" Georgia asked Letty.

"Dad making me mad. He always got sum to say, I'm grown." Letty grumbled as she rolled her eyes.

"Girl, you yo father's child." Georgia shook her head.

"Auntie that man can kiss my-" Her auntie immediately looked up and they shared a look as Georgia dared her niece to say the wrong thing. Letty groaned. "-Butt."

"Mhmm." Georgia smacked her lips as she wiped her hands off with the towel. "Where yo brother?"

"Which one?"


"Damien probably over some trick house. You know him." Letty shrugged, starting to bite her finger nails.

"He gone catch some if he keep messing with them fast ass lil girls." Georgia shook her head.

"Kameron out with his lil friends." Letty opened her phone.

"I told his black ass to stay in the house." Georgia groaned in a firm tone.

"He don't never listen. Swear he a gangster, gone get shot out here like they did Melvin down the street last weekened." Letty rolled her eyes.

"Don't say that. You know how I feel when you say stuff like that." Her auntie glared at her.

"Aunt G you know that's whats gone happen. He been acting like that since he was eleven. You know what they say, live by the gun you gone die by it." Letty shrugged with her arms now folded.

"Tell him to bring his ass here now." Letty's aunt sighed before she walked out the kitchen with Letty behind her.

"And make sure Jasmine fast ass ain't out there down that street." Her auntie spoke up over the music.

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