41. The new ball

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Sean's perspective:

He looked around the dark room, thankfully, his eyes had adjusted and the dim light was enough to not trip on all the cables on the floor.

He couldn't tell where the cables led up to, but he did manage to tell from a reflection that there were more boxes, which he was slightly inclined to believe were going to be for him.

With this though in mind, he went over and pulled the box out of what seemed to be a bookshelf, though the box itself didn't reach higher than his bellybutton.

He painstakingly dragged the surprisingly heavy box back to the entrance to his cage, through all the cables on the floor, to be able to actually see the inside.

After finally getting a good enough light, he opened up the box and confirmed that it was going to be for him, as he pulled out some weird toys, which he set down for later, as well as some very heavy armor looking things, which explained the struggle moving the box.

He was fairly interested in the armor, as it seemed to be surprisingly small, as it only had a black breastplate that felt like cotton with metal inside, along with a forearm guard, made from the same material, and what looked to be soccer goalkeeper ankle pads.

He tried them on and found that he was practically unable to move, which worried him a bit, but as he thought some more he theorized two things, for one, maybe it would be something that expands, like, press a button and it covers more, which would help explain the weight and small size.

The second, and more concerning thing he realized, was that he should be questioning why he was getting armor, since he really didn't want to fight or be in danger; he started worrying again and took off the armor.

He continued to stress out about the thought of having to fight anything like that wolf thing from before and started breathing quicker as his stomach started to hurt.

He tried to look for a way to distract himself from these thiughts as he had done many times before and looked back to the weird toys from before.

He snatched one of them off the ground and focused intently on it, trying to figure out what it was meant to do as he manually slowed his breathing and sat down.

This didn't work too well, but it was good enough, as he used his shoulder to wipe away a small tear he let out.

He continued to inspect the object, as it was like a small ball surrounded by many small triangles with little flat circles at their ends.

He tossed it inside his cage at a wall to see if it did anything interesting, but it didn't at first, as he watched it slowly roll on the ground for a second.

He sighed and decided to focus on distracting himself some other way, until the weird ball started to make quick chirping noises, which got him to look back as it jumped up into the air.

He was startled at this and quickly got up, only to see the ball continue to jump around his cage, getting progressively faster.

He didn't want to have the ball start messing things up in the room so he tried to close the door, only to find out that it wouldn't close all the way.

He inspected the door and found that the door had locked without being inside the latch, as in, there were small tubes coming out of the sides which wouldnt let it close.

As he discovered this, the ball managed to fly out and started to crash onto the walls, but thankfully it didn't hit anything too hard, as it was still fairly small, though it did drop a couple books and a weird metal object on the floor after crashing into the bookshelf.

He didn't have time to focus on what had fallen, as he made a plan of waiting with the door to his cage open, wait until the ball flew back in and close the door before it could get back out.

He watched with worry as the ball continued to fly around the room, hitting even more things which he couldn't see, until it hit what sounded like a screen and a light turned on from one of the walls.

He was distracted as he tried to figure out what it was, but was startled back into his plan as the ball whizzed past his face and he quickly shut the door as much as he could.

He felt as the ball was knocking at the door a lot, but found that he could use the box with the armor inside as a doorstop, which worked fairly well.

After a quick sigh of relief, he turned his attention to the new light, which he found he could see a lot better by climbing what seemed to be a chair nearby.

He got up what looked to be a desk and discovered a monitor with a camera showing what he assumed to be him.

He watched in horror as he realized the feed showed someone somewhere he had never been in, which showed that it was actually some other human, in an aliens house.

This unfortunately confirmed to him that humanity had been captured or something along those lines, which stressed him out until he became dizzy.

He jumped down from the desk and laid down on the chair, thinking about what he had done by getting into a spaceship he shouldn't.

He reasoned that on the more positive side he could hopefully get someone to talk with finally, which he continued to fantasize about while laying down on the chair.

He spent quite a lot of time processing what had happened, both at the moment and from the wolf incident.

He wondered if maybe he could get help about it when he could ask for it eventually, as the sound of the bouncing ball drummed away at his ears.


Eventually, he was jumpscared and woken up by the door sliding open, as Ri made double take after entering the room and turning on the lights.

Sean covered his eyes in pain and sighed, since he knew that something bad would likely happen then because of the mess and the whole him being out of the cage thing.

Ri walked backwards to the elevator and went somewhere else as Sean continued to lay down.

Eventually, Ri came back with the researcher of its same species, who proceeded to pull out a new, smaller cage to take him somewhere else, which Sean obliged to, not wanting more problems.

At the moment, Sean was feeling way too tired and burnt out from the night before to think about anything and decided to stare at one of the gray walls of the new crate.

As he was carried around, he realized he was still very tired and rested his eyes for a moment.

Unfortunately for Sean, he was jolted awake by the researcher of Tonuk's species beginning to talk.

He slightly opened his eyes, only to see that he was put in front of a new cage, which he was clearly expected to go to as the doors were opened.

He slowly walked into the new room, groaning, but he was a bit thankful that this seemed to be it for anything related to a punishment.

After waling up a bit more, he realized he was likely just moved somewhere else while they had to clean up the mess from the ball.

He started to worry about the future, but for the moment he took a look at the new place, noticing that it was sandy and looked fairly similar to that cartoony beach he had drawn the day before.

He wondered if he could communicate by drawing.

Captured by aliens (It was his own fault)Where stories live. Discover now