Important | Boundaries

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Boundaries. We all have them. I've rarely listed mine before but I'm going to do so now, just so it's out of the way before anyone delves deeper into the book. <3

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1) The use of drugs, including marijuana -- at no point in any roleplay or in a side conversation should these be brought up; if your chosen OC uses, I'll most likely ask that you pick a different one. As someone highly against the usage of marijuana, including the stronger drugs, the mention makes me extremely uncomfortable. Alcohol/drinking is fine, though.

2) The mention of rape -- this should be a self-explanatory no-no. Just, no. That's all. Though if it's part of your OCs backstory/past, that's fine -- just no acting out or a really detailed mention (for whatever reason).

3) Extreme violence / acts of terrorism -- I've seen just how bad some roleplays could get when the activity feed was still around back in 2019/2020. Please refrain from overly violent depictions of anything.

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For now that's all I can think of. But if more come to my mind then this page will be updated. And PLEASE feel free to drop your own boundaries. We should all respect one another.

- Blue

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