Chapter Three

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[Content warning: Strong language]

The walk back to May's home wasn't a long one, but with the awkward air hanging between her and Em, it felt like an eternity.

May was struggling for a way to break the silence when Em laughed softly.

"I can't believe this is happening," she muttered, more to herself than to May.

May nodded, agreeing the situation was indeed pretty incredulous."It's probably pretty scary, not knowing how you got here."

"I meant the whole 'going home with a stranger I just met on the beach' thing. A stranger who pointed a knife at me, no less. I must be fucking crazy."

May felt stung. "Hey, I'm just trying to help," she grumbled, crossing her arms and locking her gaze straight ahead. "I'm taking a risk here, too."

From the corner of her eye she saw Em press the heel of her palm into her forehead.

"Okay," she sighed, turning to look at May for the first time since they set out. "So we're both crazy. Just promise not to murder me in my sleep, okay?"

May scoffed. "Only if you promise me the same."

Em raised one hand and covered her heart with the other. "I solemnly swear."

Silence fell between them again. May watched as Em absentmindedly gathered her hair in a messy bundle at the top of her head only to let it fall back down around her shoulders.

Em held out a lock and regarded it critically. "When did it get so long..." Frowning, she quickly glanced down at her disheveled appearance.  "Ugh," she groaned, looking sheepishly back at May. "Listen, if I smell, I'm sorry. It's clearly been a while since I've enjoyed the comforts of civilization."

May hadn't given Em's grimy aesthetic much thought–backpackers weren't exactly known for their hygiene–but now she was curious.

"Why?" she asked. "What were you doing before you wound up here?"

"That's a long story."  Em grinned, casually linking her fingers and stretching her arms above her head. "The short version is, I was backpacking through the mountains trying to get to the coast. The long version is–"

She stopped short, gaping at the space above May's head. Confused, May turned and followed her gaze.

"What is that?" Em cried.

May smiled.

"That's where I live!" she replied proudly.

"You live in a treehouse?" Em was flabbergasted. "How? That is so cool!"

From the leafy branches of a massive old tree protruded the deck of what appeared to be a house. Above its edges, Em could just make out sliding glass doors and a slanted roof disappearing into the darkness of the boughs.

"Well, it used to really be a treehouse." May smiled fondly up at her home. "When I was little, a storm tore out a bunch of branches in the middle so I built myself a treehouse in the gap. It was really just a couple of platforms, but it was my favourite place. When it was time for me to move out, my papa helped me turn it into an actual place to live. Pretty cool, huh?"

Em was too enthralled to acknowledge May's question.

"I've always wanted to live in a treehouse," she whispered.

May laughed. Making her way over to the metal spiral staircase that lead to the door, she motioned for Em to follow. "Come on, let me show you around."

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