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Her body drifted back to cautiousness when a series of loud snapping sounds echoed in her ears. Her pupils retracted immediately her eyelids flicked open, bright light flooded her eyes causing them shut again.

Her body jerked up from the position she’d been only to be held back down by heavy hands which pinned her back.

“Just remain calm young lady,” she’d been told by a muffled masculine voice while she struggled to break free. “It’s now,” the voice said again. The other sounds of movements told Kindra’s semi-conscious mind that he wasn’t the only person present with her.

The smell of rusty wet metal filled her noose as soon as she felt the cold chill of a metallic object press upon her nose.

“This should hurt a little.”

There was a repulsive smell which pumped into her nostrils, it made her choke and gag as she felt a sour taste in her mouth. Her throat tightened, her breath hitched and she gagged again as the nauseous feeling grew stronger.

The coldness of the metal vanished and the pressure which had pinned her down gave way, allowing her to jerk upright. Without warning, she puked out a green fluid from her mouth.
“Get the Netrac.”

A soothing relief washed over her body after she’d puked. For a moment there, it felt like her organs had shifted out of place. Her hands wrapped around the edges of where she sat. The movement around her echoed in her head but her partially blind eyes couldn’t make out her surroundings.

“Where am I?” She asked in a feeble tone. “What have you done to me?”

“It’s just a side-effect, I’m sure it’d have worn out by now already.”

Her eyelids parted, her vision was starting to get clearer. The first thing she noticed was the odd looking metal bed in which she sat, it ran in a parallel line across the room where she was. Large rectangular fluorescent bulbs illuminated the room. It wasn’t hard for Kindra to place the room to be some sort of hospital considering the caliber of equipment she could make out around her.

“Feeling any better?” the first voice she’d heard asked, only then did she remember again that there was someone eels there with her, having been lost in taking in her unfathomable environment.

Kindra didn’t answer, her heart beat slowly, her body felt frail and her mind at unrest. She hesitated jumping off the bed ad running out through the exit but she knew better, her numb feet would give up before she even made it half way. She gave a silent gasp when her eyes cleared up a bit more to fall on the bodies of Ramon and Joleen lying on the beds close to hers. There was an array of unstable numbers which formed two semicircles rotating in opposite directions hovering over their bare chest.

Ramon had been injured at a spot just above his hips. The spot was a bright red under the artificial serum which had been synthesized by nanobots. Kindra’s experience as a Med Guard spoke to her, she couldn’t understand why he was being treated with the outdated nano-surgeon medication.

Two men dressed just ike the man in front of her stood next to Joleen’s bed. One of the observed with keen eyes the display of the machine beside the bed while the other had the DeepskinTM glasses as he observed the inner activities of the nanobots they’d injected into her body to help with the cuts and bruises on her skin.

Their entrée was active, glowing across the distinct mazelike marking on it. Kindra turned to the man who didn’t seem to take much interest in her, rather walked over to Ramon’s side. He took record of the figures which were displayed on the machine’s screen before turning back to a perplexed Kindra.

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