Chapter 22

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Days were either boring or filled with stress as Taureen tried to expand my horizons. I currently sat on a shoulder pad that he now wore on his right shoulder. Tkael and Soranto called him insane for allowing me so close to his head with my sharp claws and fire. Not that I had breathed any fire since my one attempt with the harness.

I went along with it since I had been getting to go to a small park when I cooperated. I looked at the park as we approached it; it was tiny, and I could easily see the far side through the trees. The clump of trees barely warranted the classification of being a park. Taureen held up his gloved hand, and I stepped delicately onto it.

He lowered me to the ground, and I hopped off. I wandered around while sniffing, and occasionally sampling, the various plants and greens. Taureen followed like my shadow as he allowed me to explore and drag my leash around. It was as close to freedom as I could get at the moment.

I did make sure to tangle my leash in various plants just like any animal would do. I prefer the excuse that it gives Taureen something to do besides tormenting me. I glanced back; as per usual, he was watching me closely. I noticed that he took note of anything I ate, so they were likely still looking for that magical plant.

All too soon, Taureen had me climb back onto his glove before transferring me to his shoulder pad. The walks back and forth still unnerved me, but they weren't the terrifying ordeal that they had originally been.

I suspected that as long as I was near Taureen, no one would bother me. Yeah, but I don't plan on wandering leisurely down the streets once I get out of here. Out of sight and out of mind is a much better strategy.

Once we reached his apartment, he removed my harness and leash. He had been kind enough to take off my harness the last few days as well. I still objected when he went to put it on, but he had an obvious advantage. He had become very good at dodging my claws.

I stood on his hand, waiting until I was close enough to jump to something. He sat on the couch and used his hand to block my jump. He moved me onto his lap and offered me a piece of fruit. I sniffed the odd blue and peach-colored cube suspiciously.

The blood memories told me that it was edible; whatever it was. It smelled really good though... I cautiously licked it and snorted in surprise before quickly taking it – it tasted amazing. It even beat the sunburst berries, which should have been an impossible feat. Drat. I think I have a new favorite.

Taureen was amused at my reaction. "It looks like the dietary specialist was correct when she said that you would probably really like shia fruit. I will have to try to get a hold of some of the other things she figured you would like."

I nibbled daintily on the fruit to make it last. Taureen started petting me while I ignored him. It was easier to let him pet me than to try and fight him. I would be out of here in less than three weeks.

I stood on his lap, waiting impatiently for him to let me go. He opened up a little jar with one hand before dipping a finger in it. I flared my nostrils suspiciously as I tried to pick up the scent.

Taureen moved his finger to where I could sniff it. It had a light scent that I couldn't quite place. It somehow reminded me of plants and oily seeds, although it was a subtle pleasant scent. He moved his hand away, and I turned to look at the heat lamp in the corner, in hopes that he would take the hint and let me go.

He started rubbing my back with the oily substance, and I blinked as I glanced back to see what he was doing. He was spreading that oil over my scales, and it felt really good. I could feel the oil easing the dry skin that came with daily bathing and long periods of time spent under a hot heat lamp.

I didn't realize just how dry my skin was until now. With a sigh, I slowly lay down to let him finish with the oil. As he neared my good wing, I spread it out so that he had easier access to it. I lowered my head until it rested on his knee as he slowly massaged the oil into the scales.

Tight muscles gradually relaxed, and I closed my eyes as he delicately spread the oil over my small wing scales.


       I woke up disoriented and blinked a few times as I tried to force my mind into wakefulness. A light pressure rhythmically stroked my back, and I turned my head as I realized that Taureen was petting me. I had somehow fallen asleep on Taureen's lap during the massage and oiling. I had no idea how long I had been asleep, but I was pretty sure that I had been out for a while.

My muscles were very relaxed and felt like putty. And just like after a good massage, I didn't really want to move. However, waking up like this made me uneasy and nervous. It took me a few seconds to convince my body to rouse from its sluggish rest, but I stood up and headed towards the heat lamp.

I curled up on the warm sand under the heat lamp. He had removed the second lamp above the cloth weeks ago when I had never used it. I lowered my head to rest on my hands before slowly drifting back to sleep.

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