Chapter 28: Quiet Goodbyes (Ren POV)

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Dear Sir Ren Hiard Aldon,

We are pleased to inform that you have been accepted to the Reinsdor Academy. Your uniform and your school emblem has been delivered to your residence. You will find a list of supplies needed and your schedule enclosed along with this letter.

You can teleport directly to the island of the Reinsdor Academy through the injection of mana into the emblem of the school. The brooch will not be reissued, so please do not lose it.

Rankings of your exam results and homeroom classes are also posted in front of the Academy, so please take a look later on. Also, you may bring your magic gems to the Academy. A holder for those have been provided in the uniform. I hope the uniform suits your tastes.

You are expected to arrive at the entrance ceremony for the new students three days from now. Please present this letter and your emblem when you enter via the gates of the academy.

Best regards,
Headmaster Riff

Once I woke up, I found this letter on my bedside table, with the uniform hung on my changing screen too. My valet, Jean, got me ready and dressed for school. It was comfortable and easy to move in. The design wasn't bad either. The blue aquamarine jewel I received from father a few years ago was put into the pouch.

As usual, I climbed down the stairs and found Father sitting at the table with a stern face. We ate breakfast in silence, as our silverware clinked against the fine tableware.

After I finished, I excused myself, washed up and walked towards the front entrance. Jean was already there with my katana and my suitcase. I bid farewell to him and a few other familiar servants who came to see me off and transported myself to the Academy.

The badge took me to the front gates of the Academy, and the guards let me in after everything was verified. I immediately saw a crowd of people gathered around a board not too far away from the school entrance. It was probably the results of the exam. I wonder how Lili did?

I shifted through the crown and checked the results quickly. Lili got tied in first and I second place in the academic exams, I got first in combat while she got fifth. Her and I got fourth and fifth place respectively in the technical exam. In the magic exam, I got third, but I could not see Lili's name anywhere. I saw Prince Alexander and the Prime Minister's son Lucas' names in the top ten of all exams as expected.

I escaped the crowd and thought about the results. I did good on the combat exam, but I needed to work on my other subjects as well...mostly technical areas. When I glanced back at the crowd, I saw a familiar spot of pink coming towards my way.

It was Lili, with her hair in a complicated braid by her side. She had a rapier on her waist and a suitcase in hand. The uniform suited her well. I could not help but smile at the sight of her.

"Good morning, Ren."

"Good morning Liliane."

We greeted each other as usual and talked a bit on small topics. I congratulated her on getting first on the academic exams with a perfect score and she congratulated me on getting first in combat.

"I was looking at the results earlier, but I didn't see your name on list for the magic exam. Was there a mistake?"


I saw her about to respond, but a familiar and slightly hypnotic voice interrupted her.

"I'm sure it wasn't a mistake, right Liliane? You probably didn't get a good enough grade to get in the list. But I'm sure you'll get there once you work hard enough! Oh, I know! Why don't I help you with your magic studies?"

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