Simple Future

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As discussed in the chapter over phrasal future, simple future is slightly different. In this tense, you get the "I will [verb]" translation into English. This tense is strictly used to discuss events that have not been done yet, but will be sometime in the future. We also have a "conjugation formula" for simple future:

Infinitive + ending

Except in very rare cases, this is the rule, meaning that there are very few irregular verbs in simple future, and the irregular verbs are extremely common and easy to learn. But it's time to focus on regular verbs. Here are the endings in simple future. These are used with all three types of verbs.

Yo: -é

Tú: -ás

Él, ella, ud.: -á

Nosotros: -amos (as with past preterite, context is everything)

Vosotros: -éis

Uds., ellos/ellas: -án

And now for some examples!

Te encontraré. |I will find you.

Estará una esposa buena. |She will be a good wife.

Serás un padre.  |You will be a father.

Caminaramos mañana. |We will walk tomorrow.

Comerán algo pescado. |They will eat some fish.

Language Bites, Volume I: Spanish ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora