Chapter Thirteen

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I have never been in a school lock down, this is my first time writing about one. If you have experienced a real lock down I apologise if I'm terribly wrong. However, this is a school of supernaturals and this is how I would envision it happening. 

Either way, I hope you enjoy this new chapter. 

Lily stood petrified by the sink as the lock down alarm shook the walls. It wasn't the quiet thrum of the normal school bell for the sensitive-eared supernaturals, but a shrill shriek to alert everyone. She heard her class mates run through the halls. Depending on who or what threat was in the school the same procedure applied for Nova High; if you can get out unnoticed, do so, or hide and wait for the alpha's pack to arrive and snuff out the threats.

Who was attacking the school?

This was a school filled with supernaturals being taught by some of the most controlled, strongest teachers they could find from around the world. There was power in these walls, history too. So who would dare try to take it over? It was impossible for a human.

Human. The word clanged through Lily, making her stumble and lean heavily on the wet sink. No human could take it over - it had to be a supernatural. 

She heard some of the students whimpering outside as they hurried along. No one checked the bathroom. All Lily could do was listen on as her school ran past her to safety. She was frozen.

The footsteps died down. The only thing she could hear was the alarm and her racing heart.

Hesitantly, Lily let go of the wet sink. She took a step towards the door. She couldn't hear much on the other side, especially with the alarm blaring.

Then she heard something; the scampering, shuffling of someone. No. Multiple, at least two people, maybe three. Lily didn't bother to consider that they were teachers searching for stragglers. 

The hairs on the back of her neck went up and her feet remained planted. Her hands rung together, the moisture spreading over the tips of her fingers. The invaders were moving past the corridor slowly.

Lily focused, not breathing, not moving. She heard their deep inhales, the creak of the floorboards under their heavy bodies.

As they neared the door Lily carefully took a step back. One eye on the door, she scanned her surroundings. There was nothing for her to climb, the walls were smooth. She couldn't hide in the stalls, they would be searched first.

She was trapped. 

Lily took another step back as they neared the door. Their deep draws of breath were closer. Her skin crawled. Her heart pounded. Lily's body was a rush of adrenaline and anticipation.

Clutching the sink again as they were outside, Lily braced herself. For something. Anything.

Her eyes burned, a flaring pain that sizzled down her neck and body. Lily knew her eyes were no longer brown, but the grey Alice drew on her picture. Her inner creature was out and ready for whatever the attackers were going to do.

Her fists coiled up as they stopped moving. The air was charged, tension clogging Lily's throat. Lily heard nothing but the lock down alarm, like it was counting down the seconds before the door was kicked down and they found her. 

The alarm could be heard from outside the school walls, where all the students had gathered at the front gates. They were quiet, huddled against them. The teachers surrounded them protectively, watching the school for any movement, but Mrs Khan was going around and double checking everyone was accounted for.

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