Chapter 16

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It's already six and I'm still walking around like a ghost.

It's already getting more cold now!

"Jess!", I hear someone calling my name and turn around.

"Aaron!", I smile.

"Hey stranger", he gives me side hug. "Long time no see."

"Yeah, just been busy", I murmur. "What about you?"

"Busy as well", he sighs. "You know how the manager is."

"He's still a pain in the ass", I laugh.

"So where are you going?", he asks.

"I was just about to return home."

"Do you want to go to the new cake shop that have just opened?"

"Which one?", I ask with smile.

"It's called Sweets Abode", he chuckles.

Aaron knows how much I love desserts.

We enter the shop. And it's really an abode for a sweet tooth like me. The air itself smella so delicious inside.

I let Aaron order. Everything looks good here. We talk while we eat and from time to time, I feel my throat itching. It's as if there's something swelling inside.

I clear my throat again. My back suddenly starts itching. My eyes widen suddenly when I realize there's peanut in the cake.

"Aaron", I start slowly. "What is the name of the cake?"

"Chocolate fudge peanut butter cake", he replies and keeps on eating.

I feel a tingling sensation around mouth and in my throat. I have already eaten most of the cake.

My greedy ass is going to die!

I gulp some water quickly and excuse myself to the washroom.

"Should I puke it out?", I mutter then shake my head at myself.

No! That's disgusting!

I splash my face quickly with cold water and try to take deep breath.

Finally feeling slightly better, I return back outside. Aaron have already eaten his cake and he has already paid for it.

"Won't you finish yours?", he asks.

"I'm full", I say and try to clear my voice.

"Oh by the way your phone was ringing when I picked it up, a man was searching for you", Aaron explains as we walk outside.

"I'll check later", I try saying.

I'm already out of breath!

"Are you alright?", Aaron asks giving me a weird look. "You turn too pale all of a sudden."

That's because I ate peanuts!

"I'm okay. I just want to go home", I say and smile forcefully.

"I guess I'll see you around then", Aaron says and giving me a hug, he leaves.

I feel a tightening in my chest and gasp slowly.

Should I call Stefan?

No! I'll disturb him. It's already nine. Besides maybe if I sit for a while the allergic reaction will pass.

But who am I kidding? I know it won't!

I hail a cab and simply tell him The Black Estate and he nods.

The NannyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang