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I followed Jacobi down the hallway, watching my hand which was still lightly in his. I kept thinking that my hand was now some other life form which had attached itself to me and was now betraying me. That had to be the only reason I wasn’t trying to make this man release me immediately. When we had walked a certain length away, Jacobi halted and removed his grip on my hand. I pulled it protectively into my own hand and looked up at him carefully.

“When we met, it was under poor conditions,” Jacobi told me simply. I frowned, not getting his point. “I’d like to apologize for some of the things I may have said and done to offend you that night. As an apology, I’d like to introduce myself again, differently. May I?”

I hesitated, not quite understanding what his end game was. But at this point I had already agreed to this whole strange scenario. “I guess,” I responded uncertainly. Without pausing, he turned away from me, walking a short distance away. He spent a moment looking at the distance as though I were no longer there. I watched with curiosity as he tilted his head, peering back at me momentarily, before looking away again.

He slowly took a few steps to the right, still not facing me, and then began gracefully strolling along the wall while looking at each design and painting hanging on it. Once he was close to me, he turned his eyes to me quietly. I blushed unexplainably, ducking my head.

“Hello. I noticed you were watching me,” Jacobi said easily before holding out his hand in front of him. “My name is Jacobi Bryant.” I stared at his hand hesitantly, but convinced myself to reach out and place mine in his. He raised my hand to his lips briefly, releasing me afterwards.

“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable,” I responded quietly, feeling silly while playing this out. “I just feel like I’ve met you before.”

“I’d remember your face from anywhere. What’s your name?”

“Elysia Monet,” I answered simply.

“A stunning name for a stunning woman…”

I laughed abruptly. “How cheesy. I think I like the mean version of you better.”

“I apologize. You’re hideous. Better?”

“You’re so charming,” I stated sarcastically. I felt like I was tapping the steps of an old wooden staircase with my foot, testing to see if it would break underneath me. It was strange to be entertained by Jacobi. I expected any moment he would become angry and threaten my life in some way again. “Where are we going for this so called date?”

He shrugged then. “Nowhere special. We can’t leave the headquarters in case Noland suddenly decides he wants to hear my proposition. They do have an open bar downstairs, though.” He lifted his arm for me to link to, waiting patiently.

“I don’t drink,” I told him simply, but then moved my arm through his in compliance.

“Luckily, I do,” He answered, casting a side glance my way. “Not alcohol, though.”

“Oh, yeah. Water’s great, isn’t it?” I ignored his obvious reference to his vampire nature. He led me through the headquarters, taking me to what indeed looked like a classy bar within one of the rooms. There were a few vampires already here, grouped off and enjoying themselves. When we entered, I felt that familiar burn of their accusing eyes on my skin. My old friend anxiety settled in my stomach unpleasantly.

When we sat down at one of the tables which were simple with a classy candle in each center, I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, trying to ignore the glares directed my way. Jacobi watched me for a moment before glancing around the room. I paled, nervous that somehow he’d remember he hated me for being a vampire hunter, untrained but still so.

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