Ch.15. Not Always Cruel Kindness

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Rebecca looked at Rhys from across the class. Curiosity glistened within her remarkably vibrant eyes, much like a tiger spotting it's prey from within the brush. Much to Rhys' own curiosity: Rebecca appeared to be in the peak of health. A far cry from what she was just yesterday, her skin glowed in all it's pinkish hues, the plumpness of her lips a satin red, and the curls of her hair writhed like voracious serpents in their loose curls as they flowed down her back. Rhys' couldn't help but stare in return.

He was relaxed, nonchalantly confident in that she wouldn't try anything like she had at 'Soft Beans' and therefore: he felt safe. Their surroundings were far too populated for her to try anything in a violent manner, although a certain tinge of his ego would like her to try. He was ready this time, and wouldn't mind a round two just to see whether he would do better.

Despite this, he couldn't help but notice the quickening of his heart as she approached. Rebecca didn't hold the same, preternatural, allure that she'd had for the passed three years. Instead what she had was an entirely natural charisma and the recognition she had earned which was more than enough to draw any attention she wanted.

"I need to talk to you" she said, her voice confident as if the answer couldn't be anything but yes, as she came to a stop in front of his table.

"Well go on then." Rhys gestured, sitting back comfortably in his chair with an incredulous smirk painted on his face.

"Not here. It's a privacy thing." Rebecca responded matter-of-factly. Her arms folded across her chest as she shifted her weight on to one leg and looked down at Rhys.

Rhys pondered for a moment, but in the end: his confidence got the better of him. Despite the voice at the back of his mind, screaming for him to at the very least tell one of his friends where he was going, he decided that he could handle this on his own.

Standing up, with the squeal of chair legs scraping against the floor: he began to follow Rebecca through the bustling hallways of the school. He remained a few feet from her as she easily manoeuvred the busy hall way, although did a double take as she entered into one of the girls bathrooms and his first thought was to question whether he should follow or not.

Rhys gave a quick look around to see if anyone was paying attention, before he pushed the door open and quickly darted inside. Feeling somewhat scandalised by being inside the girls bathroom despite the current situation.

But he was ready, already highly strung from a sleep filled with nightmares, there had been a moment where over-tiredness kicked in and he was brimming with energy. More than willing to test his training again.

Rebecca gave a few cursory looks to the four cubicles that were attached to the right wall of the small bathroom. Finding them vacant. The bathroom held it's own musk of bleach and various perfumes unable to escape without any form of ventilation. Circular, frosted, windows sat high into the wall; allowing the outside light to pour in generously, and falling into neat circles of white light that were periodically spaced along the floor. The murky yellow of the ceiling lights seemed to clash with the ambience, making the bathroom appear more dimly lit than it was.

Rhys crossed his arms with a strong stance as he studied Rebecca who came to a stop a few feet in front of him.

"Your blood... It did things to me." She said, looking to her hand with a knowing smile as she clenched and relaxed her fist.

"You're not a Vampire, Rebecca. No matter how much you want to be." Rhys scoffed as Rebecca's eyes returned to meet his with a pregnant electricity.

"I know that. But your blood Rhys... Fuck, I haven't felt this good in years. By the time I had left the coffee shop: the hurt had stopped Rhys. Everything wrong had stopped. Look." She said before lifting up her arm and gesturing to her otherwise unremarkable elbow.

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